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ProjectUtilities Members

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Utilities for working with the Solution Explorer database nodes.

The ProjectUtilities type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public methodStatic member ClearErrorFromAllProjects Removes all errors in the specified category from the error window.
Public methodStatic member FindNode Finds the first node matching the search criteria.
Public methodStatic member FindNodeByUrl Returns a specific node given a parent and a full path to the node to find.
Public methodStatic member FindNodeInAnyProjectByUrl Iterates over all database project nodes to return the node with the specified full path.
Public methodStatic member FindNodes Overloaded. Finds nodes, given a search criteria.
Public methodStatic member GetAppDesignerFolder Returns the DTE ProjectItem representing the AppDesignerFolder.
Public methodStatic member GetAppDesignerFolderAsProjectItem Returns the DTE ProjectItem representing the AppDesignerFolder.
Public methodStatic member GetChildrenRecursively Populates a list of child nodes, given a parent node.
Public methodStatic member GetDatabaseProjectNode Converts an IVsHierarchy to a DatabaseProjectNode.
Public methodStatic member GetProjectByFullPath Returns the IVsHierarchy for this project's full path.
Public methodStatic member GetProjectFilesInSolution Returns the project file full paths in the current solution.
Public methodStatic member GetProjectOfUniqueName Returns the IVsHierarchy for the project identified in uniqueName.
Public methodStatic member RefreshPropertyBrowser Refreshes the data in the property browser.
Public methodStatic member VisitNodes Visits all the nodes in the project.



  Name Description
Public propertyStatic member DatabaseProjects Returns a read-only collection of all database projects in the solution.


See Also


ProjectUtilities Class

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Project.Project.Utilities Namespace