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FPCSignaledAlert Collection

The FPCSignaledAlert collection holds all the run-time instances of a single alert defined by an FPCAlert object for a specific event GUID and and a specific additional key. Each alert instance is represented by an FPCSignaledAlertInstance object. This collection is an element of an FPCSignaledAlerts collection.

The alerts that have been issued appear under Monitoring in Forefront TMG Management. The FPCAlert object contains alert configuration information, and the FPCSignaledAlert object contains both configuration and run-time information.

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The FPCSignaledAlert collection defines the following methods.

Method Description


Acknowledges all instances of the alert.


Retrieves the requested FPCSignaledAlertInstance object from the collection.


Reads the stored values of all of the collection's properties by means of a remote procedure call (RPC).


Resets the alert.


The FPCSignaledAlert collection defines the following properties.

Property Description


Gets an enumerator object for the collection.


Gets the additional key (index) in the table of subevents defined for the event for which the alert is issued.


Gets the number of FPCSignaledAlertInstance objects in the collection.


Gets the string-formatted globally unique identifier (GUID) of the event that triggered the alert.


Gets the name of the alert.


Gets the name of the server on which the alert was issued.


Gets a value from the FpcAlertSeverity enumerated type that indicates the severity of the alert.

Interfaces for C++ Programming

This object implements the IFPCSignaledAlert interface.


Client Requires Windows 7 or Windows Vista.
Server Requires Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2008 x64 Edition with SP2.
Version Requires Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010.

Declared in Msfpccom.idl.

See Also

COM Objects

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Build date: 6/30/2010