Creating Message Handlers for the Property Sheet Elements
You need to add handlers to the design elements you have placed on the property page.
To create the message handlers
Double-click a design element on the property page. The following dialog box displays.
Select the design element name from the Class or object to handle list (for example, IDC_VIRUS_STRING).
Select the name of the event you want to handle (for example, the EN_CHANGE event).
Click the Add and Edit button – this will generate the needed method specification and let you edit the code. For example, if you use the IDC_VIRUS_STRING design element and the EN_CHANGE event, the following code will be generated:
LRESULT OnChange_VirusString(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled) { // TODO : Add Code for control notification handler. return 0; }
You would like, at least, to enable the Apply button whenever a change to any of the controls is made. To do so you need to add the following code to the message handler:
// Enable the Apply button SetModified();
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Build date: 6/30/2010