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FpcCompatibilityVersion Enumeration

The FpcCompatibilityVersion enumerated type contains values that specify a version of Forefront TMG.

The version of Forefront TMG specified can indicate one of the following:

  • The minimum version of an object or of Forefront TMG Management that may access the configuration settings of the enterprise or an array.
  • The version of Forefront TMG currently installed on the Configuration Storage servers in the enterprise (applicable only to Forefront TMG Enterprise Edition).
  • The lowest compatibility version of an array in the enterprise (applicable only to Forefront TMG Enterprise Edition).


typedef enum FpcCompatibilityVersion {
  fpcISA2006                      = 1,
  fpcISA2008                      = 2,
  fpcISA2010SP1                   = 3,
  fpcCompatVersionNotApplicable   = 4
} FpcCompatibilityVersion;


  • fpcISA2006
    The applicable version is ISA Server 2006.

  • fpcISA2008
    The applicable version is Forefront TMG.

  • fpcISA2010SP1
    The applicable version is Forefront TMG 2010 with SP 1.

  • fpcCompatVersionNotApplicable
    The version is not applicable.


Client Requires Windows 7 or Windows Vista.
Server Requires Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2008 x64 Edition with SP2.
Version Requires Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010.

Declared in Comenum.h.

See Also

Enumerated Types

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Build date: 6/30/2010