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WebSite Property of the IFPCWebPublishingProperties Interface

The WebSite property gets or sets the internal name of the Web site to which the rule redirects requests.


HRESULT put_WebSite(
    BSTR bstrWebSite
HRESULT get_WebSite(
    BSTR* pbstrWebSite


  • bstrWebSite
    BSTR that specifies the internal name of the Web site to which the rule redirects requests.

  • pbstrWebSite
    Pointer to a BSTR that is set on return to a string value specifying the internal name of the Web site to which the rule redirects requests.

Return Value

These property methods return S_OK if the call is successful; otherwise, they return an error code.

Visual Basic

Property WebSite As String

Property Value

String that specifies the internal name of the Web site to which the rule redirects requests.


This property is read/write. It must be set before the properties of a new Web publishing rule can be written to persistent storage by calling the Save method.

The name specified in this property is typically the name that internal users supply to reach the Web site. For a rule that publishes a single Web server or a load balancer, the computer name or IP address of the published server must be specified in the PublishedServer property if the internal site name specified in this property is not resolvable or is not the computer name or IP address of the computer that hosts the published Web site. For a rule that publishes a server farm, an internal site name specified in this property should be chosen with consideration of the following.

  • Web publishing fails if the internal site name cannot be resolved to an IP address. We recommend that you set the internal site name to the FQDN of one of the members of the server farm.
  • For each Web publishing rule, Forefront TMG automatically creates a link translation mapping between the string specified in this property and the first public name specified in the rule. This mapping is used to translate links that use the internal site name to reference the server farm on Web pages and e-mail messages that external users may receive.
  • When the SendOriginalHostHeader property is set to its default value, Forefront TMG changes the original Host header supplied by a browser application to a Host header corresponding to the internal site name or IP address specified in the WebSite property.
  • If the Web publishing rule requires an SSL connection between the Forefront TMG computer and a member of the published server farm, a unique server certificate with a name corresponding to the NameOrIP property of the server may be installed on each member of the published server farm, or the same certificate with a name corresponding to the internal site name or IP address specified in the WebSite property may be installed on all members of the server farm.


Client Requires Windows 7 or Windows Vista.
Server Requires Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2008 x64 Edition with SP2.
Version Requires Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010.

Declared in Msfpccom.idl.


Requires Msfpccom.dll.

See Also


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Build date: 6/30/2010