SendTo Method of the IFWXSocket Interface

The SendTo method sends a buffer asynchronously on UDP sockets to a specified address. It performs an overlapped sendto operation.


  [in]  IFWXIOBuffer* pIOBuffer,
  [in]  SOCKADDR* Address,
  [in]  INT AddressLength,
  [in]  IFWXIOCompletion* pIFWXIOCompletion,
  [in]  UserContextType UserData


  • pIOBuffer
    Pointer to the buffer to send.

  • Address
    When calling this method on an external socket, this sockaddr structure should contain the target address for a UDP datagram. When calling this method on an internal socket, this parameter should contain the address of the datagram source. This is typically the Internet address from which the pIOBuffer packet originated. That is, the internal socket is associated with the Internet address of the pIOBuffer packet.

  • AddressLength
    Length, in bytes, of the Address parameter.

  • pIFWXIOCompletion
    Pointer to an IFWXIOCompletion interface that receives a notification when the sendto operation is completed. Set this parameter to NULL if notification is not required.

  • UserData
    An opaque value to pass to the IFWXIOCompletion::CompleteAsyncIO notification method. This parameter provides a context to the notification.

Return Value

This method returns S_OK if the call is successful; otherwise, it returns an error code.

For an IFWXNetworkSocket interface created by a call to IFWXFirewall2::CreateSSLNetworkSocket, this method returns E_NOTIMPL.


To receive a notification when the sendto operation is completed, specify an IFWXIOCompletion interface pointer in the pIFWXIOCompletion parameter.


Server Requires Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2008 x64 Edition with SP2.
Version Requires Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010.

Declared in Wspfwext.idl.


Requires Wspsrv.exe.

See Also


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Build date: 6/30/2010