System.Activities.Core Namespace

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]


  Class Description
Public class AddToCollection<T> Adds an item to a specified collection.
Public class Assign Sets Argument values from within a workflow.
Public class Assign<T> The Assign activity is used to set Argument values from within a workflow.
Public class CancellationScope An activity that associates cancellation logic, in the form of a WorkflowElement, with a main path of execution, also expressed as a WorkflowElement.
Public class ClearCollection<T> Clears a specified collection of all items.
Public class Comment Displays a comment in the workflow designer surface. This activity provides no functionality at runtime.
Public class DbConnectionContext Stores database connection information for workflow operations.
Public class DbQuery<TResult> Executes a query against a database and populates an OutArgument with a list of the query results.
Public class DbUpdate Executes an update query against a database.
Public class Delay The Delay activity creates a timer for a specified duration, using a TimerExtension.
Public class DoWhile A looping activity that executes contained activities at least once, until a condition is no longer true.
Public class ExistsInCollection<T> Indicates whether a given item is present in a given collection.
Public class Flowchart Models workflows using the familiar flowchart paradigm
Public class FlowDecision A specialized FlowNode that provides the ability to model a conditional node with two outcomes.
Public class FlowNode The abstract base class for all the different node types that can be contained within a Flowchart activity.
Public class FlowStep A FlowNode element that executes a specified Action and has a Next pointer.
Public class FlowSwitch
Public class ForEach Executes an activity action once for each value provided in the Values collection.
Public class ForEach<T> Executes an activity action once for each value provided in the Values collection.
Public class If Models an If-Then-Else condition.
Public class InitializationAction<TSource, TTarget>
Public class Interop Manages the execution of an Activity within a workflow.
Public class InvokeMethod Calls a public method of a specified object or type.
Public class InvokeMethod<TResult> Calls a public method of a specified object or type.
Public class Parallel A workflow element that executes all child activities simultaneously and asynchronously.
Public class ParallelForEach Enumerates the elements of a collection and executes an embedded statement for each element of the collection in parallel.
Public class ParallelForEach<T> Enumerates the elements of a collection and executes an embedded statement for each element of the collection in parallel.
Public class Pick Provides event-based, control flow modeling.
Public class PickBranch A potential path of execution within a Pick activity.
Public class RemoveFromCollection<T> Removes an item from a specified collection.
Public class Sequence Executes a set of child activities according to a single, defined ordering.
Public class Switch Selects one choice from a number of activities to execute, based on the value of a given expression.
Public class Switch<T> Selects one choice from a number of activities to execute, based on the value of a given expression of the type specified in this object’s type specifier.
Public class Throw Throws an exception.
Public class TimerExtension Abstract base class for timer extensions.
Public class TransactionScopeActivity An activity that demarcates a transaction boundary.
Public class While Executes a contained workflow element while a condition evaluates to true.
Public class WriteLine Writes a specified string to a specified TextWriter object.