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IDataViewMapperManager Members

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[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Provides a convenient way and potential optimization to manage multiple mappers, which are loosely coupled to the mappable data.

The IDataViewMapperManager type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method BeginDeleteView Overloaded. Begins an asynchronous operation to delete an object or list of objects from mappings.
Public method BeginMapView Overloaded. Begins an asynchronous operation to begin mapping an object or list of objects.
Public method DeleteView Overloaded. Passes the object(s) passed to this method to all the mappers in the Mappers collection to delete mapping for the object(s).
Public method EndDeleteView Ends an asynchronous operation.
Public method EndMapView Ends an asynchronous operation.
Public method MapView Overloaded. Passes the object(s) that is passed as a parameter to all the mappers in the Mappers collection.



  Name Description
Public property Mappers Gets a collection of mappers (objects that implement IDataViewMapper) managed by the object.


See Also


IDataViewMapperManager Interface

System.Runtime.Persistence Namespace