System.Activities.Design Namespace

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

The System.Activities.Design namespace contains base activity designer classes used to create custom activity designers. creating custom activity designers, see Creating a Custom Activity Designer.


  Class Description
Public class ActivityDesigner Provides a base class for all activity designer components.
Public class ActivityDesignerHelper Verifies whether a model item is in a specific sequence or flowchart.
Public class ArgumentCollectionPropertyEditor Represents the editor that enables you to edit argument collection properties. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class ClipboardData
Public class CommandInfo Describes a command on the designer, such as copy or paste.
Public class CommandValues A commanding interface that is used for integration of workflow designer actions (e.g., context menu) with custom provided implementation - i.e. property browser service, debugging service, etc.
Public class ContextItem Represents a base class from which all context items must derive. This class is abstract.
Public class ContextItemManager Represents a class that maintains a set of context items. Each context item represents a piece of transient state in a designer. This class is abstract.
Public class CreateInstance Represents a markup extension used in XAML that enables creation of objects in-place, rather than defining them in resources.
Public class CutCopyPasteHelper Provides functions to cut, copy, and paste items.
Public class DefaultCommandExtensionCallback Provides default key input gestures for most of the Workflow commands.
Public class DeleteHelper Represents a class that can be used to delete an [System.Activities.Design.EditingContext] object.
Public class DragDropHelper Represents a helper class to assist dragging and dropping inside the workflow designer.
Public class EditingContext The EditingContext class contains contextual state information about a designer. This includes permanent state information such as the list of services running in the designer. It also includes transient state consisting of context items including the set of currently selected objects as well as the editing tool being used to manipulate objects on the design surface.
Public class ErrorReporting Represents a class that can be used to generate error messages. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class MutableKeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> Defines a key/value pair that can be modified.
Public class NotConverter Transform Boolean values using a logical not operation.
Public class NullToBooleanConverter Converts a null value to Boolean.
Public class OrderToken Represents a base class used to identify the sort order of hierarchical items. OrderTokens can be used to define priority that is based on some predefined defaults or other OrderTokens.
Public class ReadOnlyState Indicates whether an object is read-only.
Public class ServiceManager Implements IserviceProvider and provides access to services offered by the editing context.
Public class TextFormattingConverter Provides functions to format text strings.
Public class ToolboxBrowsableAttribute Represents an attribute that determines visibility (or browsability) of a particular class type in the Choose Items... menu.
Public class ToolboxCategoryItemsCollection Stores information about tools associated with a given category item.
Public class ToolboxControl Provides functions to render a categorized tools collection, as well as notify users about tool selection and creation events.
Public class ToolboxItemWrapper Represents a wrapper for ToolboxItem instances. It provides support for categorization of toolbox items. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class ToolCreatedEventArgs Represents event arguments for the tool created event.
Public class TypeCollectionDesigner Represents a designer for type collections.
Public class TypeCollectionPropertyEditor Represents a dialog editor that enables editing type collection properties. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class UndoEngine Provides undo and redo operation implementations for designers.
Public class UndoUnit Represents a single unit of undoable work. Such a unit is added to an undo stack, and methods are provided to traverse the stack and perform an undo action on each unit.
Public class UndoUnitEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the UndoUnitAddedevent() event.
Public class WindowHelperService Provides functionalities to register and unregister delegates for event notifications, as well as set ownership for windows.
Public class WorkflowCommandExtensionItem Provides functions to update each workflow's designer command (that is, input gestures collection). You should provide an IWorkflowCommandExtensionCallback implementation to receive notifications.
Public class WorkflowDesigner Provides a designer canvas which renders the visual representation of a workflow model as it is being designed.
Public class WorkflowDesignerColors An enumeration for colors to be used for the workflow designer user interface
Public class WorkflowElementDesigner Represents the default activity designer, which is assigned to any activities that have no specified designer and is the base class used when creating custom activity designers.
Public class WorkflowElementDialog Represents a dialog box for the workflow element.
Public class WorkflowElementDialogWindow Represents the dialog window of a workflow element.
Public class WorkflowFileItem Represents a file context item.
Public class WorkflowItemPresenter Provides a visual editor to edit ModelItem objects, and provides an area for the user to drag and drop, and otherwise edit composed elements.
Public class WorkflowItemsPresenter Represents a control that can be used to present a collection of objects on a design surface.
Public class WorkflowViewElement Base class for any workflow UI element.


  Interface Description
Public interface ICommandService Represents a command interface that is used for integration of workflow designer actions (for example, context menu), with custom-provided implementations, such as property browser service, debugging service, and so on.
Public interface ISourceContainer Provides functions to copy, move, delete, and paste objects.
Public interface ISourceContainerEvents Provides base events for the ISourceContainer class.
Public interface IToolboxService Represents a service used to update Toolbox contents from a Designer.
Public interface IWorkflowCommandExtensionCallback Provides additional functions when a specified workflow command is loaded.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate PublishServiceCallback A delegate that is called back when an object publishes an instance of a service.
Public delegate PublishServiceCallback<ServiceType> Represents a generic delegate that is a calledback for service publication.
Public delegate SubscribeContextCallback Defines a callback method that will be invoked when a context item changes.
Public delegate SubscribeContextCallback<ContextItemType> Defines a callback method that will be invoked when a context item changes.
Public delegate SubscribeServiceCallback Represents a delegate that is a callback for service subscriptions.
Public delegate SubscribeServiceCallback<ServiceType> Represents a generic delegate that is a callback for service subscriptions.
Public delegate ToolCreatedEventHandler Represents a delegate's method signature for the ToolCreated event.
Public delegate WindowMessage Represents the method that will handle registering a window message.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration BreakpointTypes An enumeration that represents types of breakpoints.
Public enumeration OrderTokenConflictResolution An enumeration that is used to specify the winner of ordering ties. A winning ConflictResolution marker should be used only on predefined, default OrderToken instances to ensure their correct placement in more complex chains of order dependencies.
Public enumeration OrderTokenPrecedence Specifies the precedence of order tokens.