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DirectMusic Interfaces

Warning: This technology is deprecated as is all of DirectMusic. Deprecated components are considered obsolete. While these components are still supported, they may be removed in the future. When writing new applications, you should avoid using these deprecated components. When modifying existing applications, you are strongly encouraged to remove any dependency on these components.

This section contains references for DirectMusic COM interfaces.

Interfaces in the current version (other than IKsControl and IReferenceClock) are either declared or defined with names ending in 8. To be sure of using the latest version of an interface, always include this suffix when declaring the interface pointer.

Interfaces retrieved by methods are always the base version. Where a newer version exists, you must call QueryInterface to obtain it.

Where there is no new version of an interface, the interface name with the suffix 8 is only a define.

For information on which methods are supported by earlier versions of an interface, see the declaration of the interface in the appropriate header file.

When a method takes an interface pointer as an in parameter, you can pass in the newer version even where the method is declared as accepting the older version.

This documentation contains full reference topics only for the latest versions of interfaces. Where a define exists, the interface is documented under that name.

Interface Description
IDirectMusic8 Provides methods for managing buffers, ports, and the master clock.
IDirectMusicBuffer8 Represents a buffer containing time-stamped data (typically in the form of MIDI messages) being sequenced to a port.
IDirectMusicCollection8 Manages an instance of a DLS file.
IDirectMusicContainer8 Provides access to objects in a container, which is a collection of objects used by a segment or performance.
IDirectMusicDownload8 Represents a contiguous memory chunk used for downloading to a DLS synthesizer port.
IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument8 Used to identify an instrument that has been downloaded to the synthesizer by using the IDirectMusicPort8::DownloadInstrument or the IDirectMusicPerformance8::DownloadInstrument method.
IDirectMusicInstrument8 Represents an individual instrument from a DLS collection.
IDirectMusicPort8 Represents a device that sends or receives sound data.
IDirectMusicPortDownload8 Enables an application to communicate directly with a port that supports DLS downloading and to download memory chunks directly to the port.
IDirectMusicSynth Implemented by synthesizers.
IDirectMusicSynthSink Implemented by synthesizer sinks.
IKsControl Used to get, set, or query the support of properties, events, and methods.
IReferenceClock Represents a system reference clock.

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