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Dd551421.collapse(en-us,VS.110).gif Dd551421.expand(en-us,VS.110).gif Dd551421.copycode(en-us,VS.110).gif Dd551421.copycodeHighlight(en-us,VS.110).gif Dd551421.drpdown(en-us,VS.110).gif Dd551421.drpdown_orange(en-us,VS.110).gif

PreEmptive Dotfuscator and Analytics Community Edition 5.5

Glossary Item Box


To start using Dotfuscator and Analytics CE, add one or more input assemblies or packages to your project.  To add inputs to your project, you need to have the Inputs screen open in your work area.  You can activate this screen by right-clicking the project node in the navigation tree and selecting Add Inputs or by selecting the Inputs option in the navigation tree.


To add your input assemblies or packages to the list of Inputs you may drag and drop your .exe/.dll files or directories into the Inputs section of the page.

You may also click the "Add Input" button or right click in the Inputs area and choose Add Input.  When adding inputs this way, you can browse to where your input is located and select it or enter the path to the input manually.

Input Properties



In the Properties section of the work area panel, select or de-select:

Honor instrumentation attributes: Selecting Honor instrumentation attributes tells Dotfuscator to process these attributes and perform the indicated instrumentation transformations on the target assembly. De-selecting this option tells Dotfuscator to ignore any instrumentation attributes.

Dd551421.hs-tip(en-us,VS.110).gif Instrumentation attributes are custom attributes that can be applied in your source code to track application stability, features, usage, and to add shelf life functionality.

Honor obfuscation attributes: Selecting Honor obfuscation attributes tells Dotfuscator to process these attributes and perform the indicated obfuscation transformations on the target assembly. De-selecting this option tells Dotfuscator to ignore any obfuscation attributes.

Dd551421.hs-tip(en-us,VS.110).gif Obfuscation attributes are custom attributes that can be applied in your source code to explicitly declare the inclusion or exclusion of types, methods, enums, interfaces, or members from various types of obfuscation.  The attribute you would use to include or exclude types, methods, enums, interfaces, and members from obfuscation is System.Reflection.ObfuscationAttribute.  If you want to denote that a specific assembly will have its items included or excluded from obfuscation, you would use System.Reflection.ObfuscateAssemblyAttribute. Dotfuscator and Analytics CE only supports renaming.  Additional obfuscation functionality is available in the commercial version of Dotfuscator.

Library mode: This setting tells Dotfuscator that the selected input assembly constitutes a library. For obfuscation purposes, a library is defined as an assembly that is referenced from other components not specified as one of the inputs in this run. When an assembly is obfuscated in Library Mode, publicly visible items are not renamed, thus keeping your public API accessible to external callers.

Strip obfuscation attributes: Dotfuscator can strip out all of the obfuscation attributes when processing is complete, so output assemblies will not contain clues about how it was obfuscated. Selecting this option tells Dotfuscator to remove these attributes from the target output assembly. De-selecting this option tells Dotfuscator to leave the attributes in the output assembly unless the individual attributes designate that they should be stripped via the StripAfterObfuscation property.

Transform XAML: Dotfuscator can rename items in XAML resources as used in Silverlight applications as well as the compiled XAML resources (BAML) of Windows Presentation Foundation applications. The default value is True, which tells Dotfuscator to attempt to rename items in the markup resources and match the renaming to the items references in the code-behind. Leaving this option enabled significantly strengthens the obfuscation of Windows Presentation Foundation and Silverlight applications as well as decreases the number of items that must be manually excluded from renaming.

Input Information

This section of the Inputs work area provides general data about the currently selected assembly, including the file name, file path, expanded file path (useful if ${configdir} or other properties are used), file size, last modified date, and version.



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