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Using the VerifyCredentialsAgainstIIS Parameter

The VerifyCredentialsAgainstIIS parameter tells CCF to verify the credentials before they are stored in the Agent Desktop. This parameter is used in Scenario 3 to check the logon credentials that the agent supplied against the credentials in Active Directory. If they are valid, the credentials are passed on to the AgentLoginHelper Web service.

This parameter is not used Scenario 1 because Active Directory performs the authentication directly.

This parameter is also unnececessary in Scenario 2, because if you set this parameter to true, Active Directory checks the credentials twice, which is redundant.

The parameter <add key="VerifyCredentialAgainstIIS" value="true"/> is found in the <appSettings> section of the Web.config file for the AgentLoginManager. The value “true” enables the verification, and “false” disables the verification. The config file is located in the following folder: <InstallDrive>\Inetpub\wwwroot\Microsoft.Ccf.Csr.WebServices.ContactCenter.AgentLoginManager