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The DCS Tracing Infrastructure

The DCS runtime uses the System.Diagnostics tracing infrastructure to support tracing of client applications and services. The DCS runtime also provides the InstrumentationProvider class, which you can use to perform your own custom tracing and logging. For more information, see The InstrumentationProvider Class.

The DCS runtime implements two trace sources that you can configure by using the <system.diagnostics> section of a client or service configuration file:

  • CIS, which records information on the progress of request and response messages through the DCS software infrastructure. For example, it captures milestone events such as starting and stopping a workflow instance and using a filter to show how a request is directed to a specific task instance.
  • Microsoft.ConnectedIndustry.ServiceModel, which records information on the connectivity between a client application and a DCS service. For example, it captures events that identify the physical endpoint used for a service and the transport and binding that a client application has connected through. It also captures information about the discovery and metadata exchange processes that occur when a client connects to a service.

For more information, see Configuring Tracing in DCS Services and Client Applications. You can also add your own custom trace sources to trace the logical flow of your DCS services as they run. For more information, see Using a Custom Trace Source.


A DCS service also supports Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) message logging and activity tracing. For more information, see Message Logging and Tracing.

See Also

The InstrumentationProvider Class

Configuring Event Logging for a DCS Service

Configuring Tracing in DCS Services and Client Applications

The RollFileListener Trace Listener Class

Using a Custom Trace Source