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How to: Install the "Quadrant" Sample Data

[This content is no longer valid. For the latest information on "M", "Quadrant", SQL Server Modeling Services, and the Repository, see the Model Citizen blog.]

To explore the features of Microsoft code name “Quadrant”, install the sample data, which includes configured views. This topic walks through the steps of installation.

There are two parts to the installation. The first part installs the sample data into the repository database, which is one of two default databases installed with “Quadrant”. The repository database contains SQL Server Modeling CTP models. The second database is the Quadrant database. It contains data used by “Quadrant” to configure views of workpads.

The second part is to build and install the custom view configurations into the Quadrant database. If you do not install the custom viewer configurations you will see a different view of the sample tables. In that case, the "How To" topics will not accurately represent what you see in the UI. The following figure shows two versions of a People record, one with the configured view installed, and one without. Notable differences include the lack of a References section in the first. Also note that the display name of the workpad is simply Kim in the first workpad, and Akers, Kim in the second.

Configured View and Unconfigured View

Part 1: Install the Sample Data into the Repository Database

First download the sample data from the MSDN Code Gallery. Then build the sample data using the msbuild.exe tool. This results in a .DLL file containing the sample data. After that, install the data using the mx.exe tool into the SQL Server Modeling CTP repository database that was specified at installation. By default, this is the database named Repository.

To build the sample data

  1. Open a SQL Server Modeling CTP command prompt. On the Start menu click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server Modeling CTP, right-click Microsoft SQL Server Modeling CTP Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.

  2. At the command prompt, navigate to the directory where the SQLServerModelingCTPNov09 executable was saved when you downloaded the sample data. The file is typically found in the current user's documents path. In the following code, replace {current user} with the actual user's name.

    cd "c:\Users\{current user}\Documents\Microsoft Oslo\Quadrant Samples\"
  3. Paste the following command at the command prompt.


    Verify that your version of the .NET Framework is v4.0.20916. If the version differs, replace "4.0.20916" with the correct number.

    set PATH=%PATH%;"%windir%\\framework\v4.0.20916"
  4. To build the Microsoft.Quadrant.Samples.Data project, type the following commands at the command prompt.

    cd Microsoft.Quadrant.Samples.Data
    msbuild Microsoft.Quadrant.Samples.Data.csproj

To install the sample data

  1. Install the Microsoft.Quadrant.Samples.Data sample into the Repository.

    1. If you are running SQL Server 2008, type the following command at the command prompt:

      mx install bin\debug\Microsoft.Quadrant.Samples.Data.dll -d:Repository
    2.   If you are running SQL Server 2008 Express, type the following command at the command prompt:

      mx install bin\debug\Microsoft.Quadrant.Samples.Data.dll -d:Repository -s:.\SQLExpress

Part 2: Build and Install the Viewer Configurations

First compile the sample data project using the msbuild.exe tool. This results in a .DLL file containing multiple viewer configurations that must be installed using “Quadrant”.

To build the viewer configuration file

  1. To build the Microsoft.Quadrant.Samples.Views project, type the following commands at the command prompt.

    cd ..\Microsoft.Quadrant.Samples.Views
    msbuild Microsoft.Quadrant.Samples.Views.csproj

    This creates the file named Microsoft.Quadrant.Samples.Views.dll.

To install the viewer configuration file

  1. In “Quadrant”, on the Data menu, click Install Addin....

  2. In the Open dialog, browse to C:\Samples\Microsoft.Quadrant.Samples.Views\bin\Debug\ and select the Microsoft.Quadrant.Samples.Views.dll file.

  3. Click Install.

If “Quadrant” fails, and you reset the database, you need to exit “Quadrant” again and reinstall Microsoft.Quadrant.Samples.

To see the new data

  1. Open “Quadrant”.

  2. On the View menu, click Explorer, and then click Repository.

  3. Expand the Database node. The new schemas appear under the Database node.

    • Microsoft.Samples.Infrastructure

    • Microsoft.Samples.Organization

    • Microsoft.Samples.Process

  4. Optional. If “Quadrant” is already open, on the View menu, click Refresh, or press F5. The new schemas appear under the Database node.

See Also


How to: Use Viewers in "Quadrant"
How to: Connect to a SQL Server Database with "Quadrant"


"Quadrant" Interface Tour

Other Resources

"Quadrant" Tutorials