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Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client Namespace


This namespace provides interfaces and classes that cannot be derived from Visual Studio Test Professional. However, these interfaces and classes are primarily used internally by Visual Studio Test Professional.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass AccessDeniedException

Represents an exception that was caused by an access problem in the test management.

System_CAPS_pubclass AttachmentUploadManagerException

Represents an exception that is thrown while an attachment is being uploaded.

System_CAPS_pubclass CloneOperationInformation

Holds information regarding a Clone operation

System_CAPS_pubclass CloneOptions

Options that can be specified during a Clone operation

System_CAPS_pubclass HierarchyEntry

Represents a test suite as a node in the hierarchy that is used to organize test points.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidParameterNameException

Represents an exception that is thrown when an invalid parameter name is encountered in the test management API.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidQueryException

Represents the exception that is thrown when a query string is not a valid work item query language (WIQL) query.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidResultUpdateRequestException

Represents an exception that is thrown when an invalid result is returned from an update request.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidStructurePathException

Represents the exception that is thrown when an invalid structure path is encountered in the test management framework.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidWorkItemTypeException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the expected work item type does not match the actual work item type.

System_CAPS_pubclass NameValuePair

System_CAPS_pubclass ParameterizedString

Represents a string that has embedded parameters.

System_CAPS_pubclass SessionPropertyCollection<T>

Collection to store notes, bookmarks, or any collection that is a property of the session.

System_CAPS_pubclass StoredQueryNotFoundException

Represents the exception that is thrown when a stored query is not found.

System_CAPS_pubclass TeamFoundationIdentityName


System_CAPS_pubclass TeamProjectNotFoundException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the team project is not found.

System_CAPS_pubclass TemporaryFolderException

Represents the exception that is thrown when a temporary folder cannot be created.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestActionCollection

Provides an ordered list of test actions, in which actions are stored in the order that they are to be executed.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestActionResultCollection

Represents a collection of test action result objects.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestCaseResultIdentifier

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestManagementAPINotSupportedException

System_CAPS_pubclass TestManagementConfigurationException

Represents the exception that is thrown when an operation cannot finish because of a configuration error on the server.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestManagementConflictingOperation

System_CAPS_pubclass TestManagementException

Provides a base class for test management exceptions.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestManagementInvalidOperationException

Represents the exception that is thrown by the test management client for an invalid operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestManagementServerException

Represents an exception that is thrown by the test management server.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestManagementValidationException

Represents an exception that is thrown when a property of an object has a value that is not valid or is missing.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestMessageLogEntryCollection

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Provides a collection of test message log entries.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestObjectId

Represents the reserved object IDs.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestObjectInUseException

An exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to delete a test object that is being used by another object.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestObjectMustBeSavedException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the method of an object cannot execute successfully unless the object has been saved.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestObjectNotFoundException

Represents the exception that is thrown when a test object is required but not found.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestObjectUpdatedException

The exception that is thrown by the test management server when the user attempts to update an object that has been more recently changed by another user.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestParameterCollection

Represents a collection of test parameters in a shared step set, a test case, or a test step.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestParameterDeletingEventArgs

Provides data for the event that is raised when a test parameter is deleted.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestResultParameterCollection

Represents a collection of test result parameters in a given test iteration, shared step set, or test action.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestSuiteInvalidOperationException

System_CAPS_pubclass UploadCompletionEventArgs

Represents the event arguments for the UploadCompletionEventHandler.

System_CAPS_pubclass UploadManagerEventArgs

Represents the event arguments for the UploadManagerEventHandler.

System_CAPS_pubclass WitLinkTypes

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Provides strings that are used in link text for the test client.


Structure Description
System_CAPS_pubstructure IdAndName

Represents a test object that has only an ID and a name.

System_CAPS_pubstructure ParameterizedStringPart

Represents an embedded parameter in a ParameterizedString object.

System_CAPS_pubstructure TestMessageLogEntryIdentity

A structure that holds information about the identity element of a log entry.


Interface Description
System_CAPS_pubinterface IActionRecordingHelper

Provides a mapping connection between action recordings and their associated test cases.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IAttachmentCollection

Represents a collection of attachments that is associated with test objects, such as test cases, test steps, test runs, test results, and shared steps.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IAttachmentOwner

Represents the functionality that is required for an object to support attachments.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IAttachmentUploadEntry

Represents the information in IAttachmentUploadManager to track the background upload of a single attachment.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IAttachmentUploadManager

Provides properties and methods to manage background attachment uploads.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IBugFieldMapping

Represents the mapping of bug field properties to their work item tracking fields.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IBugFieldMappingHelper

Provides helper methods for bug field mapping objects in Visual Studio Test Professional.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IBuildConfiguration

Represents the build outputs for a specific platform and flavor against a specific build.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IBuildCoverage

Represents the coverage information pertaining to a build.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IBuildFilter

Defines the criteria to use to choose a build to associate with a test plan.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ICoverage

Represents the coverage information

System_CAPS_pubinterface ICoverageAnalysisManager

Manages interaction with coverage related API

System_CAPS_pubinterface ICoverageStatistics

Represents various statistics associated with coverage.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IDataCollectorHelper

Represents methods for a set of data collectors that is registered on the Visual Studio Team Foundation Server.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IDataCollectorInformation

Represents information about a data collector that is registered in the Visual Studio Team Foundation Server.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IDataCollectorInformationCollection

A collection of information about data collectors.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IDynamicTestSuite

Represents a test suite that is populated dynamically by a Work Item Query Language (WIQL) query.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IDynamicTestSuite2

System_CAPS_pubinterface IDynamicTestSuiteBase

Provides a common base class for all suites that are populated by the server.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IDynamicTestSuiteBase2

System_CAPS_pubinterface IFunctionCoverage

Represents coverage information pertaining to a function.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IIdentifiable<TKey>

Specifies that the object that implements this interface is identified by an object of specified generic parameter.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IImpactedTestPoint

Represents a test point that has been affected by a build.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IImpactedTestPointCollection

Represents a collection of test points that is affected by a build.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IMachineRole

Describes a type of machine role for a testenvironment, such as the Web server role or the client role.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IMachineRoleCollection

Represents a collection of machine roles.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IMeasurementBlockProxy


System_CAPS_pubinterface IModuleCoverage

Represents coverage information pertaining to a module.

System_CAPS_pubinterface INewBuildStatistics

Provides statistics about the changes in the build since the last build was associated with the test plan.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IPropertyOwner

Provides a common interface for objects that support property binding.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IRequirementTestSuite

Represents a test suite that is populated dynamically by finding test cases that are associated with a requirement work item.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IRequirementTestSuite2

System_CAPS_pubinterface ISession

Represent the execution of a charter.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ISessionBookmark

Interface to represent the session book mark.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ISessionHelper

System_CAPS_pubinterface ISessionNote

Interface to represent the session note.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ISharedStep

Represents a reusable collection of test actions.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ISharedStepCollection

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Represents a collection of shared steps.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ISharedStepHelper

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System_CAPS_pubinterface ISharedStepReference

This interface is used to call a shared step set from a test case.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ISharedStepResult

Represents the result of executing a shared step. The action ID will correspond to the action ID of the SharedStepReference that called the shared ste.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IStaticTestSuite

Represents a test suite that consists of a user-specified list of test cases.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IStaticTestSuite2

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestAction

Represents a single action and expected result.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestActionGroup

Represents a group of test actions, each of which may contain other nested action groups.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestActionResult

Represents the result of a single test action.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestAttachment

Encapsulates a stream of bytes that is stored on the test management server.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestBase

Contains the common properties and methods of ITestCase and ISharedStep

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestCase

A set of data representing a test case stored in the test management server.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestCase2

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestCaseCollection

Represents a container for test cases.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestCaseHelper

Provides helper methods and properties for ITestCase objects.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestCaseQuery

Represents a stored test case query.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestCaseResult

Represents the status of a test case executed against a test run.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestCaseResultCollection

Collection for TestCaseResults

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestCaseResultHelper

Provides helper methods and properties for ITestCaseResult objects.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestCaseResultIdentifier

Represents the complete unique identifier for a test case result.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestConfiguration

Provides test configuration information for a test management object, such as an ITestPlan object.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestConfigurationCollection

Represents a collection of ITestConfiguration objects.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestConfigurationHelper

Provides helper properties and methods for test configuration objects.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestController

Registers a test controller with the Visual Studio Test Professional.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestControllerHelper

Provides helper methods for test controllers.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestEnvironment

Represents a test environment in the test management client.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestEnvironmentHelper

Provides a helper interface with methods for test environments.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestExternalLink

Represents a link to an external object.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestExternalLinkCollection

Represents a collection of links to external objects.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestFailureType

Represents the failure type of a test case result

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestFailureTypeHelper

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestImplementation

Represents a link to the implementation of an automated test.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestIterationResult

Represents the result of an execution of a test case against a row of data.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestIterationResultCollection

Represents a collection of test iteration results that are shown in a test result.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestManagementService

Represents the main object for the test management client API. Provides access to project collection level helper objects and ITestManagementTeamProject.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestManagementService2

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestManagementTeamProject

Provides test case management functionality for a team project.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestManagementTeamProject2

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestMessageLogEntry

Represents a log entry for a test object.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestMessageLogOwner

Represents the owner of a log.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestObject<T>

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Provides a base interface for objects that are stored on the Visual Studio Test Professional server.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestObjectCollection<TObjectInterface>

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Represents the base interface for collections of test management objects.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestParameter

Represents a parameter used in a test step.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestPlan

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System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestPlan2

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestPlanCollection

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Represents a collection of test plans.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestPlanHelper

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System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestPlanHelper2

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestPoint

Represents the execution state of a test case in a suite against a configuration as part of a test plan.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestPointAssignment

Provides helper methods for the AssignTestPoints method.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestPointCollection

Represents a collection of test points for the test point query methods in the ITestPlan interface.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestPointHelper

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestPointProperties

Represents the mutable properties of a test point. These are tracked historically.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestPointStatistic

Represent a count of test points per test plan for a combination of TestPointState, TestResultState and TestOutcome.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestPointStatistics

Represents counts of points in various states as selected by ITestPlan.QueryTestPointStatistics()

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestPointStatisticsByPivot

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestPointStatisticsPivotItem

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestResolutionState

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Represents the resolution status of a test case result.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestResolutionStateHelper

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System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestResolutionStateStatistic

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Represents the statistics for a particular resolution state in a test run.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestResult

Provides a base interface for results from test cases, test actions, and test iterations.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestResultParameter

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Represents the expected and actual values of a parameter during a test execution.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestRun

Represents an execution of a set of tests against a specific build.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestRunBase

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System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestRunCoverage

Represents the coverage information pertaining to a test run.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestRunHelper

Provides helper properties and methods for test run objects in Visual Studio Test Professional.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestRunStatistic

Represents a count of results for test runs that have a specific resolution state, result outcome, and result state.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestRunStatistics

Represents the counts of several aspects of test results for a test run.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestSettings

Represents the test settings that are used by test plans and test runs.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestSettingsHelper

Provides helper properties and methods for test settings objects in Visual Studio Test Professional.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestSettingsMachineRole

Represents a machine role that is associated with a test settings object.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestSettingsMachineRoleCollection

Represents a collection of machine roles that is associated with a test settings object.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestStep

Represents a single test action and expected test result.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestStepResult

Represents the test result of execution of a single test step.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestSuiteBase

Generic notion of a Test Suite, Test suites may be based on Queries IDynamicTestSuite or on an explicit list of ids of TestCases or other TestSuites IStaticTestSuite

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestSuiteBase2

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestSuiteCollection

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Represents a collection of test suites.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestSuiteEntry

Represents an entry in a test suite entry collection.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestSuiteEntryCollection

Represents a collection of test suite entries.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestSuiteHelper

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System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestVariable

Represents a variable name that is used in test configurations and its possible values.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestVariableHelper

Provides helper properties and methods for test variable objects in Visual Studio Test Professional.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITestVariableValue

Represents a possible value for a test variable.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITfsIdentityStore

Manages an identity cache which is loaded from disk and periodically refreshed from the identity management service.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ITmiTestImplementation

Represents a link to an automated test in the unit test infrastructure.


Delegate Description
System_CAPS_pubdelegate TestParameterDeletingEventEventHandler

Represents the method that will handle the event that is raised when a test parameter is deleted.

System_CAPS_pubdelegate UploadCompletionEventHandler

Represents the method that handles the event that is raised when an attachment has been successfully uploaded.

System_CAPS_pubdelegate UploadManagerEventHandler

Represents the method that handles events that are raised by the upload manager.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum CloneItemType

Corresponds to ItemType column in tbl_CloneOperation

System_CAPS_pubenum CloneOperationState

The State of a CloneOperation.

System_CAPS_pubenum CoverageQueryFlags

Used to choose which coverage data is returned when a query coverage method is called.

System_CAPS_pubenum CoverageState

Indicates the current state of a set of coverage data.

System_CAPS_pubenum DeleteAction

Indicates the test actions that are to be executed when test objects are deleted from a test.

System_CAPS_pubenum EnvironmentParentTypes

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Indicates the type of owner of the test environments.

System_CAPS_pubenum FailureType

Indicates the type of failure for a test run.

System_CAPS_pubenum GeneratedBugFields

Represents the predefined fields whose customized names are provided in IBugFieldMapping.FieldMappings.

System_CAPS_pubenum MessageCodes

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System_CAPS_pubenum ObjectTypes

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System_CAPS_pubenum PostProcessState

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Enumerates the possible settings for the state of any post-processing that occurs on the server, such as code coverage analysis.

System_CAPS_pubenum ResultObjectType

The top level entity that is being cloned as part of a Clone operation

System_CAPS_pubenum ServerVersion

The version of TFS server to which the client is connected

System_CAPS_pubenum SessionState

Describes the status of a session.

System_CAPS_pubenum SourceFileAction

Represents possible actions to take after uploading a file attachment.

System_CAPS_pubenum TcmProperty

System_CAPS_pubenum TestConfigurationState

Enumerates the possible values that indicate the state of a test configuration.

System_CAPS_pubenum TestControllerState

System_CAPS_pubenum TestManagementServiceVersion

System_CAPS_pubenum TestMessageLogEntryLevel

Enumerates the possible levels for the log entry in the test message log.

System_CAPS_pubenum TestOutcome

Represents the outcome of a completed test.

System_CAPS_pubenum TestPlanSource

System_CAPS_pubenum TestPlanState

Provides the settings for the ITestPlan.State property.

System_CAPS_pubenum TestPointState

Represents the possible values for the State property.

System_CAPS_pubenum TestPointStatisticsQueryPivotType

Types of the Pivots used for QueryTestPointStatisticsByPivot.

System_CAPS_pubenum TestResultState

Enumerates the possible states of a test.

System_CAPS_pubenum TestRunAbortOptions

Enumerates the options to use to abort a test run.

System_CAPS_pubenum TestRunState

Enumerates the possible status settings for a test run.

System_CAPS_pubenum TestRunType

The types for test run.

System_CAPS_pubenum TestStepType

Enumerates the possible types of test steps.

System_CAPS_pubenum TestSuiteEntryType

Enumerates the possible types of test suite entries.

System_CAPS_pubenum TestSuiteSource

System_CAPS_pubenum TestSuiteState

Enumerates the possible states for a test suite.

System_CAPS_pubenum TestSuiteType

Enumerates the possible types of test suites.

System_CAPS_pubenum UploadManagerEventType

Enumerates the possible types of events that are handled by the UploadManagerEventHandler.

System_CAPS_pubenum UploadPauseReason

Provides the reasons that an IAttachmentUploadEntry could be paused.

System_CAPS_pubenum UploadState

Represents the possible states during the upload process.

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