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Big Data Business Software Development

Organizations need Big Data solutions to compete in a rapidly expanding and increasingly data-driven market. Using familiar tools, such as Excel or Office 365, combined with Azure HDInsight, business users gain actionable insights by analyzing unstructured data, which helps drive better decision making.

Dev Centers:  Windows and Windows Phone, Azure, Visual Studio, Dynamics, Office, SQL

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Quickly access data, analyze it, and get actionable insights with HDInsight.

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Use the new Office 365 APIs (preview) to surface your insights from all types of data to business users through Microsoft Excel and Office 365.

This session walks though an end story that includes how to provision a Hadoop cluster on Microsoft Azure, load data to the persistent Azure blob store, cleanse data with Pig, add structure with Hive, orchestrate workflows with Oozie, and gain insights using Excel.

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Get an overview of Azure SQL Database and learn how to create and work with SQL Database for common scenarios.

Watch nowLearn how to turbocharge the performance of backend data with memory-optimized tables.Read more

In his blog, Scott Guthrie walks through the new capabilities for SQL databases on Azure, including: an improved 99.95% SLA, support for databases up to 500GB in size, self-service restore capability, and new Active Geo Replication support.

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Learn how to analyze Twitter data using Hive with HDInsight.