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Secure User Plane Location (SUPL)

You can configure the phone to use SUPL (Secure User Plane Location) for Assisted GPS (A-GPS), an OMA protocol that lets a phone determine its position by communicating with the SUPL Location Platform (SLP) provided by the mobile operator. For mobile operators that provide an SLP, phones can use SUPL as an enhancement to the location software already on the phone, or to provide the location of the phone to the mobile operator.

SUPL 1.0 support includes:

  • SUPL 1.0 configuration

  • Network Initiated Immediate Request

  • Multiple auth types: notify only, notify and verify, and so on, with integration to the UI for user notification and action validation.

  • Mobile Originated Positioning Requests, for different positioning methods (MS-A, MS-B).

  • GSM/WCDMA proxy mode.

SUPL 2.0 support includes:

  • SUPL 2.0 configuration

  • Network Initiated Immediate Request.

  • Multiple auth types: notify only, notify and verify, and so on, with integration to the UI for user notification and action validation.

  • Mobile Originated Positioning Requests, for different positioning methods (MS-A, MS-B).

  • GSM/WCDMA/LTE proxy mode.

  • Positioning sessions and area triggers.

  • Multilocation ID.

The following sample shows how to configure a H-SLP server for SUPL. A valid binary blob must be included for the root certificate data value. Up to 3 root certificates are supported for phones shipping with Windows Phone 8.1.

<Settings Path="Location/SUPL1">
    <Setting Name="Address" Value="" />
    <Setting Name="MccMncPairs" Value="(111,000)(222,111)(333,333)(444,222)" />
    <Setting Name="PositioningMethod" Value="0" />
    <Setting Name="NIDependencyOnLocationMasterSwitch" Value="1" />
    <Setting Name="RootCertificate/Name" Value="certName.cer" />
    <Setting Name="RootCertificate/Data" Value="" />


Only one SUPL account is supported at a given time.


  • Address
    Optional. Specifies the address of the Home SUPL Location Platform (H-SLP) server for non-proxy mode. The value is a server address specified as a fully qualified domain name, and the port specified as an integer, with the format "server: port".

    If this value is not specified, the phone infers the H-SLP address from the IMSI as defined in the SUPL standard. To use automatic generation of the H-SLP address based on the IMSI, the MNC length must be set correctly on the UICC. Generally, this value is 2 or 3.

  • Version
    Optional. Determines the version of the SUPL protocol to use. For SUPL 1.0, set this value to 1. For SUPL 2.0, set this value to 2. The default is 1.

  • MccMncPairs
    Required. List all of the MCC and MNC pairs owned by the mobile operator. This list is used to verify that the UICC matches the network and SUPL can be used. When the UICC and network do not match, the phone uses the default location service and does not use SUPL.

    This value is a string with the format "(X1,Y1)(X2,Y2)…(Xn,Yn)", in which X is a MCC and Y is an MNC.

  • NIDefaultTimeout
    Optional. Time in seconds that the network-initiated location request is displayed to the user, while awaiting a response and before doing the default action. The default is 30 seconds. A value between 20 and 60 seconds is recommended.

    This value manages the settings for both SUPL and v2 UPL. If a phone is configured for both SUPL and V2 UPL and these values differ, the SUPL setting will always be used.

    For more information about user notifications for location requests, see User notifications for location requests.

  • ServerAccessInterval
    Optional. Integer. Defines the minimum interval of time in seconds between mobile originated requests sent to the server to prevent overloading the mobile operator's network. The default value is 60.

  • PositioningMethod
    Optional. Specifies the positioning method that the SUPL client will use for mobile originated position requests. The value can be one of the following integers:

    Value Description


    None: The phone uses the default positioning method. In this default mode, the GNSS obtains assistance (time injection, coarse position injection and ephemeris data) from the Microsoft Positioning Service.


    Mobile Station Assisted: The phone contacts the H-SLP server to obtain a position. The H-SLP does the calculation of the position and returns it to the phone.


    Mobile Station Based: The phone obtains location-aiding data (almanac, ephemeris data, time and coarse initial position of the phone) from the H-SLP server, and the phone uses this information to help GPS obtain a fix. All position calculations are done in the phone.


    Mobile Station Standalone: The phone obtains assistance as required from the Microsoft location services.






    The default is 0. The default method in Windows Phones provides high-quality assisted GNSS positioning for mobile originated position requests without loading the mobile operator’s network or location services. For more information, see Location Framework overview.


    The Mobile Station Assisted, OTDOA, and AFLT positioning methods must only be configured for test purposes.

  • NIDependencyOnLocationMasterSwitch
    Optional. Boolean. Specifies whether the location toggle on the location screen in Settings is also used to manage SUPL network-initiated (NI) requests for location. If the value is set to 0, the NI behavior is independent from the current location toggle setting. If the value is set to 1, the NI behavior follows the current location toggle setting. The default value is 1.

    This value manages the settings for both SUPL and v2 UPL. If a phone is configured for both SUPL and V2 UPL and these values differ, the SUPL setting will always be used.

    Location toggle setting NIDependencyOnLocationMasterSwitch setting NI request processing allowed












    No (unless privacyOverride is set)


    When the location toggle is set to Off and this value is set to 1, the following application requests will fail:

    • noNotificationNoVerification

    • notificationOnly

    • notificationAndVerficationAllowedNA

    • notificationAndVerficationDeniedNA

    However, if privacyOverride is set in the message, the location will be returned.

    When the location toggle is set to Off and this value is set to 0, the location toggle does not prevent SUPL network-initiated requests from working.

    For more information about user notifications for location requests, see User notifications for location requests.

  • RootCertificate/Name
    Specifies the name of the H-SLP root certificate as a string, in the format "name.cer".

  • RootCertificate/Data
    The base 64 encoded blob of the H-SLP root certificate.

  • RootCertificate2/Name
    Specifies the name of the H-SLP root certificate as a string, in the format "name.cer".

  • RootCertificate2/Data
    The base 64 encoded blob of the H-SLP root certificate.

  • RootCertificate3/Name
    Specifies the name of the H-SLP root certificate as a string, in the format "name.cer".

  • RootCertificate3/Data
    The base 64 encoded blob of the H-SLP root certificate.

User Plane Location configuration service provider



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