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AsyncCmdlet Members

This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.

The following tables list the members exposed by the AsyncCmdlet type.

Protected Constructors

  Name Description
  AsyncCmdlet This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.


Protected Fields

  Name Description
protected field _failing This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.


Public Properties

(see also Protected Properties)

  Name Description
public property CommandOrigin  Gets the origin of the command. The command can be invoked within a runspace or it could be an external request (such as invoking the command from the command line). This property is introduced in Windows PowerShell 2.0. (Inherited from InternalCommand)
public property CommandRuntime  Gets and sets the command runtime object that controls what happens when the cmdlet writes an object to the pipeline. (Inherited from Cmdlet)
public property CurrentPSTransaction  Gets the latest transaction started by running the Start-Transaction cmdlet. This property is introduced in Windows PowerShell 2.0. (Inherited from Cmdlet)
public property DynamicParameterDictionary This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public property Events  Gets the event manager for the current session where the cmdlet is running This property is introduced in Windows PowerShell 2.0. (Inherited from PSCmdlet)
public property Host  Gets information about the host that is being used by the session where the cmdlet is running. (Inherited from PSCmdlet)
public property InvokeCommand  Gets utility routines for executing scripts and creating script blocks. (Inherited from PSCmdlet)
public property InvokeProvider  Gets provider information that is used to access a data store. (Inherited from PSCmdlet)
public property JobManager  Gets or sets the job manager for the registered JobSourceAdapter objects. (Inherited from PSCmdlet)
public property JobRepository  Get the active jobs available in the current session where the cmdlet is running. This property is introduced in Windows PowerShell 2.0. (Inherited from PSCmdlet)
public property MyInvocation  Gets invocation information about the cmdlet. (Inherited from PSCmdlet)
public property PagingParameters  If the cmdlet declares paging support (via SupportsPaging), then PagingParameters property contains arguments of the paging parameters. Otherwise PagingParameters property is null. (Inherited from PSCmdlet)
public property ParameterSetName  Gets the name of the parameter set that is used by the cmdlet. (Inherited from PSCmdlet)
public property SessionState  Gets information about the current state of the current session where the cmdlet is running. (Inherited from PSCmdlet)
public property Stopping  Gets an indicator that the pipeline is stopping. The pipeline can be stopped for numerous reasons, such as when the user has entered the key combination CTRL+C, a terminating error has occurred, the hosting application requested a stop, and so on.  (Inherited from Cmdlet)
public property WhatIf This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.


Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property Confirm This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
protected property static IsInitialized This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
protected property IsInvocation This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method BeginProcessingAsync This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method CompleteProgress This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method ConsumeDynamicParameters This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method CurrentProviderLocation  Returns the fully-qualified path of the current working directory for the specified provider. (Inherited from PSCmdlet)
public method Debug Overloaded. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method Dispose Overloaded. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method DropMsgPrefix This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method EndProcessingAsync This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method Equals  (Inherited from Object)
public method Error Overloaded. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method ExecuteOnMainThread This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method FormatMessageString This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method GenerateDynamicParameters This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method GetDynamicParameters This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method GetHashCode  (Inherited from Object)
public method GetMessageString This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method GetResolvedProviderPathFromPSPath  Returns the resolved provider path from a specified Windows PowerShell path. (Inherited from PSCmdlet)
public method GetResourceString  Gets a resource string that corresponds to the specified resource base key and identifier. (Inherited from Cmdlet)
public method GetType  (Inherited from Object)
public method GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath  Returns the fully-qualified provider path of a specified relative Windows PowerShell path. (Inherited from PSCmdlet)
public method GetVariableValue  Overloaded. Returns the value of a specific session-state variable. The variants of this method can return a variable value with or without a default value. (Inherited from PSCmdlet)
public method Invoke  Overloaded. Invokes a cmdlet object. The variants of this method can invoke a cmdlet that returns a collection of results or a strongly-typed enumerator. (Inherited from Cmdlet)
public method IsCancelled The provider can query to see if the operation has been cancelled. This provides for a gentle way for the caller to notify the callee that they don't want any more results.This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method MasterCompleteProgress This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method Message Overloaded. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method ProcessRecordAsync This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method Progress Overloaded. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method ResolveExistingFilePath This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method ResolveExistingFolderPath This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method ResolvePath This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method ShouldContinue Overloaded. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method ShouldProcess Overloaded. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method StartProgress Overloaded. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method StopProcessingAsync This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method ThrowTerminatingError  Reports a terminating error when the cmdlet cannot continue, or when you do not want the cmdlet to continue to process records. (Inherited from Cmdlet)
public method ToString  (Inherited from Object)
public method TransactionAvailable  Determines whether the Start-Transaction cmdlet has been called and that there is a Windows PowerShell transaction available that the cmdlet can participate in. This method is introduced in Windows PowerShell 2.0. (Inherited from Cmdlet)
public method Verbose Overloaded. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method Warning Overloaded. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method WriteCommandDetail  Writes information to the execution log of the pipeline. (Inherited from Cmdlet)
public method WriteDebug This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method WriteError This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method WriteMasterProgress This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method WriteObject Overloaded. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method WriteProgress This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method WriteVerbose This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
public method WriteWarning This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.


Protected Methods

(see also Extension Methods)

  Name Description
protected method BeginProcessing Overridden. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
protected method CancelWhenStopped This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
protected method Dispose Overloaded. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
protected method EndProcessing Overridden. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
protected method Error Overloaded. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
protected method Finalize  (Inherited from Object)
protected method Init This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
protected method MemberwiseClone  (Inherited from Object)
protected method ProcessRecord Overridden. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
protected method StopProcessing Overridden. This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0.


Extension Methods

  Name Description
public extension method As  Use this method to adapt an object from a foreign app domain to a known interface in this app domain.This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0. (Defined by RequestExtensions.)
public extension method As  This is called to adapt an object from a foreign app domain to a known interface in this appDomainThis element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0. (Defined by RequestExtensions.)
public extension method As  Adapts an object from a foreign app domain to a known interface in this app domain.This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0. (Defined by RequestExtensions.)
public extension method Extend  Use this method to adapt and extend an object so that you can pass it to a foreign app domain.This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0. (Defined by RequestExtensions.)
public extension method Extend  This is called to adapt and extend an object that we wish to pass to a foreign app domainThis element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0. (Defined by RequestExtensions.)
public extension method Extend  Used to extend an object with an interface from a foreign app domain.This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0. (Defined by RequestExtensions.)
public extension method ToEnumerable  This element is introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0. (Defined by CollectionExtensions.)


See Also


AsyncCmdlet Class
Microsoft.OneGet.Utility.PowerShell Namespace