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Create Cross-Platform .NET Apps

The .NET Core runtime enables cross-platform development and deployment of ASP.NET 5 applications on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. For example, one developer might begin working on an app in Visual Studio on Windows, then hand it off to another developer running Visual Studio Code for OS X on a Mac, and then deploy the app to a Linux server for testing.

The cross-platform .NET Core libraries are in an open source project hosted on GitHub: CoreCLR Developer Guide.

In the current Visual Studio 2015 RC release, only a limited set of capabilities are stable and testable. The walkthroughs linked below let you explore those capabilities.



Walkthrough: Creating a Cross-Platform Web Application using Visual Studio

Step-by-step instructions for building an ASP.NET 5 web app in Visual Studio and deploying it to a Linux server on Microsoft Azure.

Walkthrough: Running a Cross-Platform Web Application on OS X

Step-by-step instructions for building an ASP.NET 5 web app on a Mac using Visual Studio Code for OS X and deploying it to a Linux server on Microsoft Azure.