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Building Interoperable Web Services: WS-I Basic Profile 1.0


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Jonathan Wanagel, Microsoft Corporation. Andrew Mason, Microsoft Corporation. Sandy Khaund, Microsoft Corporation. Sharon Smith, Microsoft Corporation. RoAnn Corbisier, Microsoft Corporation. Chris Sfanos, Microsoft Corporation

August 2003

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This guide covers WS-I Basic Profile contents, use within Microsoft development tools, coding compliance challenges, degrees of freedom for customers and best options based on technical and non-technical requirements.


Download Building Interoperable Web Services: WS-I Basic Profile 1.0 in .pdf format.


Who Should Read This Guide

This guide is written for readers in one or more of the following categories:

  • Application Architects
  • Developers

What Is in This Guide

This book is divided into five chapters. Here is a brief description of what each chapter contains:

Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter discusses the WS-I. It includes the following topics:

  • Why the WS-I was formed
  • The organizational structure of the WS-I
  • The problems the WS-I addresses, and those it does not
  • The deliverables the WS-I provides

Chapter 2: The WS-I Deliverables

To encourage interoperability, the WS-I is creating a series of profiles, which will define how the underlying components of any Web service must work together. Chapter 2 discusses the first of these profiles, called the Basic Profile, and includes the following topics:

  • The Basic Profile's underlying principles
  • An explanation of the WS-I usage scenarios
  • An explanation of the WS-I sample application, which demonstrates how to write a compliant Web service
  • An explanation of the testing tools, which check that your implementation follows the Basic Profile guidelines

Chapter 3: How to Apply the Basic Profile

This chapter lists some general practices you should follow for writing Web services or clients that conform to Basic Profile.

Chapter 4: Applying Basic Profile Rules When Implementing Web Services

This chapter assigns each of the profile's rules to one of four possible levels of compliancy and, on a rule-by-rule basis, shows how to adjust your code to make your Web service comply with the profile's rules.

Chapter 5: Applying Basic Profile Rules When Consuming Web Services

This chapter assigns each of the profile's rules to one of four possible levels of compliancy and, on a rule-by-rule basis, shows how to adjust your code to make your Web service client comply with the profile's rules.

Appendix A

Appendix A groups the Basic Profile's rules according to their level of compliancy for implementing a Web service.

Appendix B

Appendix B groups the Basic Profile's rules according to their level of compliancy for implementing a Web service client.


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