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Constants Class

Creates a UI element that allows user invocation of ASP.NET event handlers and provides a way to post user input from UI elements back to the server.

public class System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Constants : 


The following table describes the read-only Constants class members you can use.

Member Description
AlternatingItemTemplateTag Contains the tag name for the AlternatingItem template.
ContentTemplateTag Contains the tag name for the Content template.
DefaultSessionsStateHistorySize Contains the default depth of the history stack.
EventArgumentID The argument associated with the postback event.
EventSourceID Contains the query String name of the event target (the control that generated the postback).
FooterTemplateTag Contains the tag name for the Footer template.
FormIDPrefix Contains the prefix of a form in a URL.
HeaderTemplateTag Contains the tag name for the HeaderTemplate.
ItemDetailsTemplateTag Contains the tag name for the ItemDetails template.
ItemTemplateTag Contains the tag name for the Item template.
LabelTemplateTag Contains the tag name for the Label template.
OptimumPageWeightParameter Contains the default page weight.
PagePrefix Contains a page number delimiter used to ensure proper page numbering in a postback
ScreenCharactersHeightParameter Contains the default for the height of the characters on the screen.
ScriptTemplateTag Contains the tag name for the Script template.
SelectionListSpecialCharacter Contains the character used in CheckBox IDs for cHTML.
SeparatorTemplateTag Contains the tag name for the Separator template.
SymbolProtocol Contains the characters used to denote the beginning of an i-mode or J-Phone symbol scheme.
UniqueFilePathSuffixVariable Contains the query String name of the unique file path suffix.
UniqueFilePathSuffixVariableWithoutEqual Contains the query String name of the unique file path suffix, but no equal sign.


Namespace: System.Web.UI.MobileControls

Assembly: System.Web.Mobile

See Also

Command Control