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ItemSelect Event

Occurs when a user selects an item from a list view.

public event ObjectListSelectEventHandler ItemSelect


This event is called before the ShowItemCommands Event event is called.


The following example demonstrates how to trap the ItemSelect event to remove an ObjectListCommand item from the ObjectListCommandCollection object of the detail view of an ObjectList control. The ObjectListCommand item to remove is selected in the list view. By trapping this event, you can perform other tasks before showing the detail view of the list items.

[Visual Basic]

<SCRIPT language="vb" runat="server">

Dim item As System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ObjectListItem
Dim itemColl As System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ObjectListItemCollection

' Persist the array through subsequent page loads.
Dim arr As New ArrayList()

Class Task
   Private _TaskName As String
   Private _Editable As String
   Private _Priority As Integer
   Public Sub New(TaskName As String, Editable As String, Priority As Integer)
      _TaskName = TaskName
      _Editable = Editable
      _Priority = Priority
   End Sub
   Public ReadOnly Property TaskName() As String
         Return _TaskName
      End Get
   End Property
   Public ReadOnly Property Editable() As String
         Return _Editable
      End Get
   End Property
   Public ReadOnly Property Priority() As Integer
         Return _Priority
      End Get
   End Property
End Class

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

   If Not IsPostBack Then
   ' Create and fill of array.
   arr.Add(New Task("Tomorrow's work", "yes", 1))
   arr.Add(New Task("Today's work", "yes", 1))
   arr.Add(New Task("Yesterday's work", "No", 1))
   ' Associate and bind array to ObjectList for each postback.
   Session("MyArrayList") = arr
   ObjectList1.DataSource = arr
   ObjectList1.LabelField = "TaskName"

   End If

End Sub

Sub ShowTaskDetail(sender As Object, e As ObjectListSelectEventArgs)
   ' Check conditions, and add or remove commands in the detail view.
   If e.ListItem("Editable").Equals("No") Then
   Else If (ObjectList1.Commands.Count < 1)
       ObjectList1.Commands.Add(New ObjectListCommand("Delete", "Delete"))
   End If
End Sub

Sub SelectCommand(sender As Object, e As ObjectListCommandEventArgs)

   arr = CType(Session("MyArrayList"), ArrayList)
   Dim i As Integer = ObjectList1.SelectedIndex
   Session("MyArrayList") = arr
   'Re-Bind ObjectList to altered ArrayList.
   ObjectList1.DataSource = arr
   ObjectList1.LabelField = "TaskName"
   'Go back to the list view
   ObjectList1.ViewMode = ObjectListViewMode.List

End Sub

<mobile:Form runat="server" id="Form1">
   <mobile:ObjectList id="ObjectList1" runat="server" 
   OnItemCommand="SelectCommand" OnItemSelect="ShowTaskDetail" >
      <Command Name="Delete" Text="Delete" /> 
<script runat=server>

System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ObjectListItem item;
System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ObjectListItemCollection itemColl;

// Persist the array through subsequent page loads.
ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();

class Task
   private string _TaskName;
   private string _Editable;
   private int   _Priority;
   public Task(string TaskName, string Editable, int Priority) 
      _TaskName = TaskName; 
      _Editable = Editable;
      _Priority = Priority;

   public string TaskName { get { return _TaskName; } }
   public string Editable { get { return _Editable; } }
   public int Priority { get { return _Priority; } }

public void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   if (!IsPostBack)
      // Create and fill of array.
      arr.Add (new Task ("Tomorrow's work", "yes", 1));
      arr.Add (new Task ("Today's work", "yes", 1));
      arr.Add (new Task ("Yesterday's work", "No", 1));

      // Associate and bind array to ObjectList for each postback.
      Session["MyArrayList"] = arr;

      ObjectList1.DataSource = arr;
      ObjectList1.LabelField = "TaskName";

void SelectCommand(Object sender, ObjectListCommandEventArgs e)
   arr = (ArrayList)Session["MyArrayList"];

   // Remove selected item from the ObjectList object using the array
   int i = ObjectList1.SelectedIndex;
   Session["MyArrayList"] = arr;

   // Re-Bind ObjectList to altered ArrayList. 
   ObjectList1.DataSource = arr;
   ObjectList1.LabelField = "TaskName";

   ObjectList1.ViewMode = ObjectListViewMode.List;

void ShowTaskDetail(Object sender, ObjectListSelectEventArgs e)
   // Check conditions, and add or remove commands in the detail view.
    Else If (ObjectList1.Commands.Count < 1)
      ObjectList1.Commands.Add(New ObjectListCommand("Delete", "Delete")); 


<mobile:Form runat=server id="Form1" >
   <mobile:ObjectList runat="server" id="ObjectList1" 
           OnItemSelect="ShowTaskDetail" >
      <Command Name="Delete" Text="Delete" />
   <mobile:Label runat=server id="Label1" />
   <mobile:Label runat=server id="Label2" />

See Also

: ObjectList Class