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LiteralText Class

Provides the run-time instantiation of literal text specified in a form.

public class System.Web.UI.MobileControls.LiteralText : 


The only place where external code must access the members of a LiteralText control is in adapters written for a new class of devices. Ensure that an adapter is written for literal text.

The style with which literal text is rendered will differ based upon device, but the literal text will appear on all devices. Between HTML and WML, there are no differences. The text will render in the same manner:

The control renders literal text on its own line with the appropriate style attributes applied.

When nesting tags, the hyperlink tag (anchor tag: <a>) does not recognize nested tags. For example, nesting the <b> or <i> tag as literal text inside the <a> tag will not render a link as bold or italic. The control completely ignores all tags inside of the <a> tag.

Note   It is important to use the Text property of the TextView control to dynamically set the text that you want to display on a form. Do not use this class to do so.


Namespace: System.Mobile.Web.UI.MobileControls

Assembly: System.Web.Mobile

See Also

Adding New Device Adapters and Device Support | Device-Specific Composition