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Operator Property

Sets or returns the comparison operation used in validation. The default value is Equal.

public System.Web.UI.WebControls.ValidationCompareOperator Operator {


The ControlToValidate property must be on the left side of the comparison operator, and the ControlToCompare property on the right side, for valid evaluation to occur.

The following table shows the available operations.

Comparison operator Description
DataTypeCheck Checks whether the data types for the two controls are valid.
Equal Checks whether the two controls are equal to each other.
GreaterThan Checks whether one control is greater than the other control.
GreaterThanEqual Checks whether one control is greater than or equal to the other control.
LessThan Checks whether one control is less than the other control.
LessThanEqual Checks whether one control is less than or equal to the other control.
NotEqual Checks whether the controls are not equal to each other.

""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""See Also

Applies to: CompareValidator Class