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Remove Method (StyleSheet)

Removes the specified style from the style sheet.

public void Remove(
   string id


  • id
    The name of the style to remove.


The following example demonstrates how to use the Remove method to remove a Style from the StyleSheet control.

Sub cmdClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
   MyForm1.StyleReference = "Style2"
End Sub

<mobile:StyleSheet id="StyleSheet1" runat="server">
  <Style Font-Size="Large" Font-Name="Arial" Font-Bold="true" 
     ForeColor="Red" Font-Italic="True" Alignment=Center 
     Wrapping="Wrap" Name="Style1" BackColor =LightBlue />
  <Style Font-Size="Normal" Font-Name="Arial" Font-Bold="false"
     foreColor="Blue" Font-Italic="true" BackColor="LightGreen"
     Wrapping="NoWrap" Name="Style2" />


void cmdClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

<mobile:StyleSheet id="StyleSheet1" runat="server">
  <Style Font-Size="Large" Font-Name="Arial" Font-Bold="true" 
     ForeColor="Red" Font-Italic="True" Alignment=Center 
     Wrapping="Wrap" Name="Style1" BackColor =LightBlue />
  <Style Font-Size="Normal" Font-Name="Arial" Font-Bold="false"
     foreColor="Blue" Font-Italic="true" BackColor="LightGreen"
     Wrapping="NoWrap" Name="Style2" />

See Also

Remove Method (DeviceSpecificChoiceCollection) | Remove Method (MobileListItemCollection) | Remove Method (ObjectListCommandCollection) | Remove Method (ObjectListFieldCollection)

Applies to: StyleSheet Class