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Rows Property

Sets or returns the number of rows in the selection list, for appropriate rendering (HTML and cHTML only).

public int Rows {


The default value is 4; the minimum is 1, with no maximum.


The following example demonstrates how to use the Rows property to set the number of rows to the number of items in the list.

Sub Button_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
   Dim _ml As New MobileListItem("text", "value")
   SelectionList1.Rows = SelectionList1.Items.Count

End Sub


void Button_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   MobileListItem _ml = new MobileListItem("text", "value");
   SelectionList1.Rows = SelectionList1.Items.Count; 

See Also

SelectionList Control

Applies to: SelectionList Class