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SecurityFault Members

The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while processing security tokens in a <Security> header.

The following tables list the members exposed by the SecurityFault type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
SecurityFault Overloaded.  


Public Fields

  Name Description
public field static BadContextTokenCode Specifies a SOAP fault code indicating that an invalid SecurityContextToken security token was received.
public field static BadContextTokenMessage Specifies the error message of a SecurityFault exception when an invalid SecurityContextToken security token is received. This field is constant.
public field static FailedAuthenticationCode Specifies a SOAP fault code indicating that authentication of a security token failed.
public field static FailedAuthenticationMessage Specifies the error message of a SecurityFault exception when authentication of a security token fails. This field is constant.
public field static FailedCheckCode Specifies a SOAP fault code indicating that a digital signature could not be verified or that encrypted data could not be decrypted.
public field static FailedCheckMessage Specifies the error message of a SecurityFault exception when a digital signature cannot be verified or encrypted data cannot be decrypted. This field is constant.
public field static InvalidSecurityCode Specifies a SOAP fault code indicating that an error occurred while processing the <Security> SOAP header.
public field static InvalidSecurityMessage Specifies the error message of a SecurityFault exception when an error occurs processing the <Security> SOAP header. This field is constant.
public field static InvalidSecurityTokenCode Specifies a SOAP fault code indicating that an invalid security token was provided.
public field static InvalidSecurityTokenMessage Specifies the error message of a SecurityFault exception when an invalid security token is provided. This field is constant.
public field static SecurityTokenUnavailableCode Specifies a SOAP fault code indicating that a reference to a security token within a SOAP message is invalid.
public field static SecurityTokenUnavailableMessage Specifies the error message of a SecurityFault exception when a reference to a security token within a SOAP message is invalid. This field is constant.
public field static UnknownDerivationSourceCode Specifies a SOAP fault code indicating that a DerivedKeyToken was received without its parent security token.
public field static UnknownDerivationSourceMessage Specifies the error message of a SecurityFault exception when a DerivedKeyToken is received without its parent security token. This field is constant.
public field static UnsupportedAlgorithmCode Specifies a SOAP fault code indicating that an unsupported encryption or signature algorithm was used in the SOAP message.
public field static UnsupportedAlgorithmMessage Specifies the error message of a SecurityFault exception when an unsupported encryption or signature algorithm is used in the SOAP message. This field is constant.
public field static UnsupportedSecurityTokenCode Specifies a SOAP fault code indicating that an unsupported security token was provided in a received SOAP message.
public field static UnsupportedSecurityTokenMessage Specifies the error message of a SecurityFault exception when an unsupported security token is provided in a received SOAP message. This field is constant.


Public Properties

(see also Protected Properties )

  Name Description
public property Actor  (inherited from SoapException )
public property Code  (inherited from SoapException )
public property Detail  (inherited from SoapException )
public property HelpLink  (inherited from Exception )
public property InnerException  (inherited from Exception )
public property Message  (inherited from Exception )
public property Source  (inherited from Exception )
public property StackTrace  (inherited from Exception )
public property TargetSite  (inherited from Exception )


Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property HResult  (inherited from Exception )


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
public method Equals  (inherited from Object )
public method GetBaseException  (inherited from Exception )
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object )
public method GetObjectData  (inherited from Exception )
public method GetType  (inherited from Object )
public method ToString  (inherited from Exception )


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object )
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )


See Also


SecurityFault Class
Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security Namespace