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CHTML Adapter Set

The cHTML adapter set renders ASP.NET mobile Web Forms pages on clients capable of rendering HTML 3.2 without client-side scripting. It includes special support for cHTML, the markup language used on i-mode phones.

The cHTML adapter set inherits from the HTML adapter set, and shares the same adapters for most controls. All the features applicable to HTML adapters apply to cHTML adapters.

The following table lists the core classes included in the cHTML adapter set.

Adapter set Core adapter class namespace
ControlAdapter base class System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters.HtmlControlAdapter
FormAdapter class System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters.ChtmlFormAdapter
PageAdapter class System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters.ChtmlPageAdapter
TextWriter class System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters.ChtmlMobileTextWriter


The cHTML adapter set is selected if the PreferredRenderingType property of the MobileCapabilities class returns html32 or chtml10, and the JavaScript property of the browser capabilities class returns false.

Rendering Postbacks

The cHTML family of devices does not support scripting. Therefore, adapters must ensure that they render the correct output for postbacks.

It is important to understand that if a postback does not require that additional form data be submitted, the adapter can call the same methods as the HTML adapters. However, to allow a postback to send form data to the server, the adapter must use a submit button.

See Also

Adapter Sets Functionality | ControlAdapter Class