Hosting Enumerations
Describes the unmanaged enumerations that the hosting API uses.
In This Section
Contains values that indicate how the common language runtime (CLR) should resolve a CLSID.
- COR_GC_STAT_TYPES Enumeration
Specifies the statistics to be recorded for a garbage collection.
Indicates the garbage collection statistics for a thread.
- EApiCategories Enumeration
Describes the categories of capabilities that the host can block from running in partially trusted code.
- EBindPolicyLevels Enumeration
Provides flags that specify the level at which to apply or modify assembly policy.
- ECLRAssemblyIdentityFlags Enumeration
Indicates the type of an assembly's identity.
- EClrEvent Enumeration
Describes the CLR events for which the host can register callbacks.
- EClrFailure Enumeration
Describes the set of failures for which a host can set policy actions.
- EClrOperation Enumeration
Describes the set of operations for which a host can apply policy actions.
- EClrUnhandledException Enumeration
Describes the available options for managing exceptions that are unhandled in user code.
- EContextType Enumeration
Describes the security context of the currently executing thread.
- ECustomDumpFlavor Enumeration
Contains values that indicate which items to include in a custom subset of a heap dump when reporting errors.
- ECustomDumpItemKind Enumeration
Reserved for future extension of the CustomDumpItem Structure structure.
- EHostApplicationPolicy Enumeration
Indicates how to modify an IHostAssemblyManager Interface interface object. This enumeration has been deprecated.
- EHostBindingPolicyModifyFlags Enumeration
Allows the host to specify the type of redirection the CLR should perform when applying policy modifications from a source assembly to a target assembly.
- EMemoryAvailable Enumeration
Contains values that indicate the amount of free physical memory on the computer.
- EMemoryCriticalLevel Enumeration
Contains values that indicate the impact of a failure when a specific memory allocation has been requested but cannot be satisfied.
- EPolicyAction Enumeration
Describes the policy actions the host can set for operations described by EClrOperation Enumeration and failures described by EClrFailure Enumeration.
- ESymbolReadingPolicy Enumeration
Contains values that set the policy for reading program database (PDB) files.
- ETaskType Enumeration
Contains values that indicate the kind of task represented by an ICLRTask Interface or an IHostTask Interface interface.
- HOST_TYPE Enumeration
Contains values that specify the type of host that is launching an application.
- MALLOC_TYPE Enumeration
Contains values that specify the characteristics of the memory that is being allocated.
Contains values that indicate what information about the CLR should be returned.
- StackOverflowType Enumeration
Contains values that indicate the underlying cause of a stack overflow event.
- STARTUP_FLAGS Enumeration
Contains values that indicate the startup behavior of the CLR.
- ValidatorFlags Enumeration
Contains values that indicate the type of validation that should be performed in a call to ICLRValidator::Validate Method.
- WAIT_OPTION Enumeration
Indicates the action a host should take if an operation requested by the CLR blocks.
See Also
Other Resources
Hosting Coclasses
Hosting Interfaces
Hosting Global Static Functions
Hosting Structures