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XML SamplesĀ 

The following table lists Windows Vista samples that pertain to XmlLite development. They are installed under the Samples folder in the following path:

\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\samples

For build instructions and additional information about the samples, see the Readme.txt files and other documents in the sample folders.

Sample Description Location (under Samples)

XmlLite Chunking Sample

Shows how to write an XmlLite application that uses chunking.


XmlLite Namespace Reader Sample

Shows how to use namespaces while reading an XML document.


XmlLite NamespaceWriter Sample 1

Shows the simplest approach to writing with namespaces using XmlLite.


XmlLite NamespaceWriter Sample 2

Shows how to write with a default namespace using XmlLite.


XmlLite NamespaceWriter Sample 3

Shows how to force an attribute to be in no namespace using XmlLite.


XmlLite NamespaceWriter Sample 4

Writes a document containing nested namespaces using XmlLite.


XmlLite Reader Sample

Shows how to implement a basic XmlLite application.


XmlLite Reader and Writer sample.

Reads an XML file, processes its nodes, and then outputs XML to another file using XmlLite.


XmlLite Reader with External Entities Sample

Shows how to implement an XmlLite application that reads an XML document with external entities.


XmlLite Reader with Encoding Sample

Shows how to implement an XmlLite application that reads an XML document with encoding.


XmlLite DOCTYPE Sample

Shows how to write a document with a DOCTYPE declaration that specifies a name and attributes.


XmlLite Writer Sample

Shows how to implement an XmlLite writer application.


XmlLite Write Document with Encoding Sample

Shows how to implement an XmlLite application that writes an XML document with encoding.


See Also


Multimedia Samples
Networking and Services Samples
Security Samples
Systems Management Samples
Windows Base Samples
Windows UI Samples