Accessing Data Using Listing Controls
Mobile Web pages provide three mobile controls, List, SelectionList, and ObjectList, that you can use to display data from a database.
In This Section
This section describes how you can bind data to these controls.
- Creating an Object for a List from a Collection Element
Describes how a List control constructs a MobileListItem object from an element in the collection, and how to handle the selected item.
- Data Binding a List or SelectionList Control
Describes how the List and SelectionList mobile controls render a view of data and provide interaction with data items.
- Data Binding and Viewing Data Using an ObjectList Control
Describes how to use the ObjectList mobile control to provide a versatile view of data.
- Differences Between ObjectList and List Controls
Provides a table detailing how the ObjectList control differs from the List control.
- Differences Between the SelectionList and List Classes
Describes the differences in functionality between the SelectionList and List classes.
- SelectionList Controls and Postbacks
Describes how to send responses through postbacks when using a SelectionList control.
- SelectionLists and Index Values
Describes how the SelectionList control uses index values to reference items in a list.