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ImportTypes Method

Initiates the importing of types from each scope imported via ImportFile Method.

HRESULT ImportTypes(
    mdAssembly AssemblyID,
    mdToken FileToken,
    DWORD dwScope,
    HALINKENUM* phEnum,
    IMetaDataImport** ppImportScope,
    DWORD* pdwCountOfTypes


  • AssemblyID
    ID of the assembly to import to.

  • FileToken
    ID of the file to import from.

  • dwScope
    Zero-based scope to import.

  • phEnum
    Receives enumerator handle for the types in this scope.

  • ppImportScope
    Optionally receives IMetaDataImport Interface interface.

  • pdwCountOfTypes
    Optionally receives count of types in the indicated scope.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if the method succeeds.


Requires alink.h

See Also


IALink Interface

IALink2 Interface

ALink API (Unmanaged API Reference)