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GetPublicKeyToken Method

Retrieves the public key token for a given keyfile or key container.

HRESULT GetPublicKeyToken(
    LPCWSTR pszKeyFile,
    LPCWSTR pszKeyContainer,
    void* pvPublicKeyToken,
    DWORD* pcbPublicKeyToken


  • pszKeyFile
    Filename of the key.

  • pszKeyContainer
    Name of the key container.

  • pvPublicKeyToken
    Address when key token is to be stored.

  • pcbPublicKeyToken
    Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer indicated by pvPublicKeyToken. Upon return, contains actual number of bytes used.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if the method succeeds.


Requires alink.h.

See Also


IALink2 Interface

IALink Interface

ALink API (Unmanaged API Reference)