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InkAnalyzer Members

Provides access to layout analysis, writing and drawing classification, and handwriting recognition.

The following tables list the members exposed by the InkAnalyzer type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public method InkAnalyzer Initializes a new instance of the InkAnalyzer class associated with the specified Microsoft.Ink.Ink object.


Public Properties

  Name Description
Public property AnalysisModes Gets or sets flags that control how the InkAnalyzer performs ink analysis.
Public property DirtyRegion Gets the area that has changed since the last analysis operation.
Public property Ink Gets the Ink object from which the InkAnalyzer can analyze stroke data.
Public property IsAnalyzing Gets a value indicating whether the InkAnalyzer is performing ink analysis.
Public property RootNode Gets the root ContextNode of the InkAnalyzer.
Public property SynchronizingObject Gets or sets the object that designates upon which thread InkAnalyzer background analysis events are raised.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
Public method Abort Cancels the current analysis operation.
Public method AddStroke Overloaded. Adds a stroke to the InkAnalyzer.
Public method AddStrokes Overloaded. Adds a collection of strokes to the InkAnalyzer.
Public method AddStrokesToCustomRecognizer Adds stroke data for multiple strokes to a custom recognizer node.
Public method AddStrokeToCustomRecognizer Adds a stroke to a custom recognizer node.
Public method Analyze Performs synchronous ink analysis.
Public method BackgroundAnalyze Performs asynchronous ink analysis, which includes layout analysis, writing and drawing classification, and handwriting recognition.
Public method ClearStrokeData Clears the cached data from the InkAnalyzer for the specified Stroke.
Public method CreateAnalysisHint Overloaded. Adds a new analysis hint to the ink analyzer.
Public method CreateCustomRecognizer Creates a new CustomRecognizerNode for the analyzer.
Public method DeleteAnalysisHint Removes an AnalysisHintNode from the ink analyzer.
Public method Dispose Releases all resources used by the InkAnalyzer.
Public method Equals Overloaded. Overridden. Determines whether two InkAnalyzer instances contain the same value.
Public method FindInkLeafNodes Overloaded. Returns the ink leaf nodes, which are the ContextNode objects that contain ink strokes.
Public method FindLeafNodes Returns all of the leaf nodes, which are the ContextNode objects that have no child nodes.
Public method FindNode Returns the specified ContextNode.
Public method FindNodes Overloaded. Returns the ContextNode objects that match the specified criteria.
Public method FindNodesOfType Overloaded. Returns the ContextNode objects of the specified type.
Public method GetAlternates Overloaded. Returns analysis alternates for a specified context.
Public method GetAnalysisHints Overloaded. Returns analysis hints that are attached to the InkAnalyzer.
Public method GetHashCode Overridden. Gets the hash code for the InkAnalyzer instance.
Public method GetInkRecognizersByPriority Returns the ordered collection of recognizers.
Public method GetNodesFromTextRange Overloaded. Returns a collection of ContextNode objects that are relevant to the specified text range.
Public method GetRecognizedString Returns the best-result string of the recognition operation for the entire context node tree in the ink analyzer.
Public method GetStrokeLanguageId Returns the locale identifier of the specified Stroke.
Public method GetStrokeType Returns the type of a Stroke.
Public method GetTextRangeFromNodes Finds the text range in the recognized string that corresponds to a collection of ContextNode objects.
Public method GetType  Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object)
Public method Load Overloaded. Loads saved analysis results into the ink analyzer.
Public method ModifyTopAlternate Overloaded. Changes the current top alternate to the specified analysis alternate.
Public method Static op_Equality Determines whether two specified InkAnalyzer objects have the same value.
Public method Static op_Inequality Determines whether two specified InkAnalyzer objects have different values.
Public method Reconcile Overloaded. Determines which portions of the analysis results have changed during background ink analysis.
Public method Static ReferenceEquals  Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. (inherited from Object)
Public method RemoveStroke Removes a Stroke from the ink analyzer.
Public method RemoveStrokes Removes a strokes collection from the ink analyzer.
Public method SaveResults Overloaded. Saves analysis results for an ink analyzer.
Public method Search Overloaded. Provides a fuzzy, case-insensitive phrase based search for analyzed writing strokes and analyzed drawing strokes that have recognized types.
Public method SetStrokeLanguageId Changes the locale identifier for the specified Stroke.
Public method SetStrokesLanguageId Changes the locale identifier for the specified Strokes.
Public method SetStrokesType Changes the type of each stroke in a Strokes collection.
Public method SetStrokeType Changes the stroke type of a Stroke.
Public method ToString  Returns a String that represents the current Object. (inherited from Object)


Protected Methods

  Name Description
Protected method Finalize  Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object)
Protected method MemberwiseClone  Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object)


Public Events

  Name Description
Public event Activity Occurs during calls to the Analyze or BackgroundAnalyze method.
Public event ContextNodeCreated Occurs after the InkAnalyzer creates a ContextNode.
Public event ContextNodeDeleting Occurs before the InkAnalyzer deletes a ContextNode.
Public event ContextNodeLinkAdding Occurs before the InkAnalyzer adds a ContextLink between two ContextNode objects.
Public event ContextNodeLinkDeleting Occurs before the InkAnalyzer deletes a ContextLink between two ContextNode objects.
Public event ContextNodeMovingToPosition Occurs before the InkAnalyzer moves a ContextNode to a new position within a ContextNode.SubNodes collection.
Public event ContextNodePropertiesUpdated Occurs after the InkAnalyzer updates one or more of the properties of a ContextNode.
Public event ContextNodeReparenting Occurs before the InkAnalyzer moves a ContextNode by changing its parent node.
Public event InkAnalyzerStateChanging Occurs before the InkAnalyzer reconciles analysis results so that an application can synchronize data with the InkAnalyzer.
Public event IntermediateResultsUpdated Occurs when the current intermediate analysis stage is finished.
Public event NewStrokesLoaded Occurs after a stroke is loaded into the InkAnalyzer.
Public event PopulateContextNode Occurs before the InkAnalyzer performs analysis within the region of a partially populated ContextNode.
Public event ReadyToReconcile Occurs when the ink analyzer is ready to reconcile background analysis results with the current state of the analyzer.
Public event ResultsUpdated Occurs when the final analysis stage is finished.
Public event StrokesReparented Occurs when the InkAnalyzer moves a Stroke from one ContextNode to another.


See Also


InkAnalyzer Class
Microsoft.Ink Namespace