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Windows Workflow Foundation Tools 

Windows Workflow Foundation includes the following tools:

Tool Description


The workflow communication activity command-line utility.

It is used to generate code files for strictly bound HandleExternalEventActivity activity and CallExternalMethodActivity activity subclasses from an input assembly that contains one or more ExternalDataExchangeService interfaces.

For each method and event on each interface in the assembly, an activity is created with strongly typed properties that correspond to the method/event parameters. These strictly bound activities improve the design experience through strong typing, and yield a small performance increase by removing the use of reflection.

Running wca.exe with the /? argument provides a full list of command-line options.

For more information on this utility, see Generating Communication Activities.


The workflow command-line compiler. It is used to compile both workflows and activities. It takes workflow markup (.xoml) and C# or Visual Basic source files, validates the workflows or activities, and generates assemblies or executables. Running wfc.exe with the /? argument provides a full list of options.

See Also

Other Resources

Using Local Services in Workflows
Windows Workflow Foundation Overview
Windows Workflow Foundation Programming Guide

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