InkAnalyzerBase.NewStrokesLoadedBase Event
Occurs when the Load method is called.
Namespace: System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore
Assembly: IACore (in IACore.dll)
Public Event NewStrokesLoadedBase As NewStrokesLoadedBaseEventHandler
Dim instance As InkAnalyzerBase
Dim handler As NewStrokesLoadedBaseEventHandler
AddHandler instance.NewStrokesLoadedBase, handler
public event NewStrokesLoadedBaseEventHandler NewStrokesLoadedBase
event NewStrokesLoadedBaseEventHandler^ NewStrokesLoadedBase {
void add (NewStrokesLoadedBaseEventHandler^ value);
void remove (NewStrokesLoadedBaseEventHandler^ value);
JScript does not support events.
The NewStrokesLoadedBase event occurs for each leaf node loaded into the InkAnalyzerBase. Leaf nodes include InkWordNode, InkDrawingNode, InkBulletNode, and UnclassifiedInkNode objects. The TargetNode property of the NewStrokesLoadedBaseEventArgs is the leaf node added to the InkAnalyzerBase. The stroke identifiers are associated with the TargetNode.
If TargetNode is a nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the strokes identifiers contain strokes that are not added to the InkAnalyzerBase when the ink is saved. The InkAnalyzerBase adds the strokes unless you call theLoad method.
Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003
The .NET Framework and .NET Compact Framework do not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see .NET Framework System Requirements.
Version Information
.NET Framework
Supported in: 3.0