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INotifySink2::OnSyncCallExit Method

Gets invoked when exiting a call.

HRESULT OnSyncCallExit
    [in]  CALL_ID   in_CallID,
    [out, size_is(, *out_pBufferSize)] BYTE**  out_ppBuffer,
    [out] DWORD*    out_pBufferSize


  • in_CallID
    [in] ID of the call being exited. See CALL_ID Structure.

  • out_ppBuffer
    [out] Call buffer.

  • out_pBufferSize
    [out] Size of the call buffer, in bytes.

Return Value

S_OK if the method succeeds.


Header: ProtocolNotify2.idl

See Also


INotifySink2 Interface

INotifySource2 Interface

INotifyConnection2 Interface