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System.Reactive.Disposables Namespace


  Class Description
Public class BooleanDisposable Represents an IDisposable that can be checked for status.
Public class CancellationDisposable Represents an IDisposable that can be checked for cancellation status.
Public class CompositeDisposable Represents a group of Disposables that are disposed together.
Public class ContextDisposable Represents a thread-affine IDisposable.
Public class Disposable Provides a set of static methods for creating Disposables.
Public class MultipleAssignmentDisposable Represents a disposable whose underlying disposable can be swapped for another disposable.
Public class RefCountDisposable Represents a disposable that only disposes its underlying disposable when all dependent disposables have been disposed.
Public class ScheduledDisposable Represents an object that schedules units of work on a provided scheduler.
Public class SerialDisposable Represents a disposable whose underlying disposable can be swapped for another disposable which causes the previous underlying disposable to be disposed.
Public class SingleAssignmentDisposable A SingleAssignmentDisposable only allows a single assignment of its disposable object. If it has already been assigned, attempts to set the underlying object will throw an InvalidOperationException.