CoordinateSystem |
Represents the Coordinate System Reference. |
FormatterExtensions |
Represents the extensions to formatters. |
Geography |
Represents a base class of geography shapes. |
GeographyCollection |
Represents the collection of geographies. |
GeographyCurve |
Represents the curve of geography. |
GeographyFullGlobe |
Represents the full globe of geography. |
GeographyLineString |
Represents a geography line string consist of an array of geo points. |
GeographyMultiCurve |
Represents the multi-curve of geography. |
GeographyMultiLineString |
Represents the multi-line string of geography. |
GeographyMultiPoint |
Represents the multi-point of geography. |
GeographyMultiPolygon |
Represents the multi-polygon of geography. |
GeographyMultiSurface |
Represents the multi-surface of geography. |
GeographyOperationsExtensions |
Represents the extension methods for the geography operations. |
GeographyPipeline |
Represents the pipeline of geography. |
GeographyPoint |
Represents a geography point. |
GeographyPolygon |
Represents the geography polygon. |
GeographyPosition |
Represents one position in the geographical coordinate system. |
GeographySurface |
Represents the geography surface. |
GeoJsonObjectFormatter |
Represents a formatter for Json object. |
Geometry |
Represents the base class of geography shapes. |
GeometryCollection |
Represents the geometry collection. |
GeometryCurve |
Represents the geometry curve. |
GeometryLineString |
Represents the geometry line string. |
GeometryMultiCurve |
Represents the geometry multi-curve. |
GeometryMultiLineString |
Represents the geometry multi-line string. |
GeometryMultiPoint |
Represents the geometry multi-point. |
GeometryMultiPolygon |
Represents the geometry multi-polygon. |
GeometryMultiSurface |
Represents the geometry multi-surface. |
GeometryOperationsExtensions |
Represents the extension methods for the geometry operations. |
GeometryPipeline |
Represents the pipeline of geometry. |
GeometryPoint |
Represents the Geometry Point. |
GeometryPolygon |
Represents the Geometry polygon. |
GeometryPosition |
Represents one position in the geometry coordinate system. |
GeometrySurface |
Represents a geometry surface. |
GmlFormatter |
Represents the object to move spatial types to and from the GML format. |
ParseErrorException |
The exception that is thrown on an unsuccessful parsing of the serialized format. |
SpatialBuilder |
Creates a geometry or geography instances from spatial data pipelines. |
SpatialFormatter<TReaderStream, TWriterStream> |
Represents the base class for all Spatial Formats. |
SpatialImplementation |
Represents a class responsible for knowing how to create the Geography and Geometry builders for a particular implementation of Spatial types. |
SpatialOperations |
Represents a class responsible for knowing how to perform operations for a particular implementation of Spatial types. |
SpatialPipeline |
Represents a link of a geospatial pipeline. |
SpatialTypeExtensions |
Provides a place to add extension methods that work with ISpatial. |
SpatialValidator |
Represents a base class for Spatial Type Validator implementations. |
WellKnownTextSqlFormatter |
Represents the object to move spatial types to and from the WellKnownTextSql format. |