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LedgerDimensionController.applyPagingAndAutoFilterRangesLanguage Method [AX 2012]

Applies paging and auto filter ranges on the supplied backing entity datasource when there is a dimension value language id.


private void applyPagingAndAutoFilterRangesLanguage(
    LoadAutoCompleteDataEventArgs _e, 
    QueryBuildDataSource _backingEntityDataSource, 
    RecId _dimensionAttributeRecId, 
    boolean _pagingValues)

Run On



  • _backingEntityDataSource
    Type: QueryBuildDataSource Class
    The QueryBuildDataSource instance of the dimension attribute backing entity table.
  • _dimensionAttributeRecId
    Type: RecId Extended Data Type
    The ID of the DimensionAttribute record to get auto complete data for.
  • _pagingValues
    Type: boolean
    True if values should be paged; otherwise false.

See Also


LedgerDimensionController Class