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TradeTotals.mcrRecordSortedListLine Method [AX 2012]

Returns a RecordSortedList containing the order line record buffers.


public RecordSortedList mcrRecordSortedListLine()

Run On


Return Value

Type: RecordSortedList Class
A RecordSortedList contiaining the order line record buffers.


This method duplicates some of the work done in calc to retrieve records.

Note that this resets the data for trade totals and should therefore not be called for normal calculation scenarios.

The use of this method is to get the records that would normally be used in a calculation without actually doing the calculation. This is currently used to speed up performance of picking and packing. See MCRInitFromSalesTotals method in SalesFormLetter_PickingList and SalesFormLetter_PackingSlip.

See Also


TradeTotals Class