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RetailTransactionServiceEmployee::getTimeclockHistoryUtc Method [AX 2012]

Gets a history of time registrations in UTC time zone.


client server private static QueryRun getTimeclockHistoryUtc(
   [boolean _isManagerLogbook, 
    HcmPersonnelNumberId _personnelNumber, 
    container _stores, 
    utcdatetime _fromDate, 
    utcdatetime _toDate, 
    container _regTypes, 
    container _jobIds, 
    int64 _top, 
    int64 _skip, 
    str _orderByField, 
    SortOrder _sortOrder])

Run On



  • _isManagerLogbook
    Type: boolean
    True, if data for manager logbook are required, false - otherwise.
  • _stores
    Type: container
    Container with store IDs, where time registration has been made.
  • _fromDate
    Type: utcdatetime
    Lower bound of the history returned.
  • _toDate
    Type: utcdatetime
    Upper bound of the history returned.
  • _regTypes
    Type: container
    Time registration type.
  • _jobIds
    Type: container
    Job Ids of the break activities.
  • _top
    Type: int64
    The top count, i.e. the number of employee activities to get.
  • _skip
    Type: int64
    The skip number, i.e. the number of employee activities to skip.
  • _orderByField
    Type: str
    The order by field name.

Return Value

Type: QueryRun Class
A container having history of worker's registrations.

See Also


RetailTransactionServiceEmployee Class