Dialog.addField Method [AX 2012]
Adds a field to the dialog box.
public DialogField addField(
IdentifierName _typeName,
[FieldLabel _label,
FieldHelp _help,
boolean _ignoreEDTConstraints])
Run On
- _typeName
Type: IdentifierName Extended Data Type
The name of the extended data type or enumeration type that the instance displays to the user.
- _label
Type: FieldLabel Extended Data Type
The label for the field in the dialog box; optional.
- _help
Type: FieldHelp Extended Data Type
The help text that is associated with the field in the dialog box; optional.
- _ignoreEDTConstraints
Type: boolean
true if the extended data type constraints should be ignored when the provided _typeName is an extended data type; otherwise, false.
Return Value
Type: DialogField Class
The newly constructed instance of the DialogField class.
The underlying type of the provided _typeName determines what type of control is added to the dialog box.