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HcmAppBasketContactInfoFormHandler.primaryLocationExist Method [AX 2012]

Determines whether any primary location exists for an entity other than the supplied location record ID.


public boolean primaryLocationExist(
    TableId _entityLocationTableId, 
    RecId _entity, 
    LogisticsLocationRecId _location, 
   [boolean _isPostal, 
    LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType _methodType, 
    boolean _showErrorWhenPrivate])

Run On



  • _entityLocationTableId
    Type: TableId Extended Data Type
    The table ID of the mapping table in the LogisticsEntityLocationMap map.
  • _isPostal
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value that indicates to check for postal locations.
  • _showErrorWhenPrivate
    Type: boolean

Return Value

Type: boolean
true if another primary location exists other than the supplied location record ID for the supplied entity; otherwise, false.

See Also


HcmAppBasketContactInfoFormHandler Class