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DimensionTree::isNodeDisjoint Method [AX 2012]

Indicates whether the node has overlapping criteria at the specified point.


client server private static DimensionTreeResult isNodeDisjoint(
    RecId _treeId, 
    RecId _parentNodeId, 
    DimensionTreeNode _node, 
    RecId _targetConstraintNodeId, 
    boolean _allowOverlap)

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  • _treeId
    Type: RecId Extended Data Type
    The ID of the DimensionConstraintTree record that specifies the tree of the node.
  • _parentNodeId
    Type: RecId Extended Data Type
    The ID of the DimensionConstraintNode record that specifies the parent for the node.
  • _targetConstraintNodeId
    Type: RecId Extended Data Type
    The ID of the DimensionConstraintNode record of the specified node that is being modified.
  • _allowOverlap
    Type: boolean
    true if the node is permitted to overlap with its sibling node. This affects how errors are reported.

Return Value

Type: DimensionTreeResult Class
An instance of the DimensionTreeResult class where the isValid method will return true if the node is disjoint with the existing nodes.


The _targetConstraintNodeId parameter is zero when you check for a node that is being added.

See Also


DimensionTree Class