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JmgTermJob::commonJob Method [AX 2012]

This static method is used to retrieve the source data record from which the supplied job ID originates.


client server public static Common commonJob(JmgJobId jobId, [boolean _forUpdate])

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  • _forUpdate
    Type: boolean
    Determines whether the record should be selected for update. The default value is false. It may be set to nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

Return Value

Type: Common Table
The source data record from where the specified job ID originates.


The source data record for a job ID can also be fetched by instantiating a new JmgTermJob object by using the JmgTermJob::construct Method, followed by an invocation of the JmgTermJob.sourceData Method. The commonJob method directly avoids the additional initialization made in the JmgTermJob::construct Method.


The following example retrieves the source data associated to the production job ID '10000066.'

ProdRouteJob prodRouteJob = JmgTermJob::commonJob('10000066');

See Also


JmgTermJob Class