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SalesATPCalculation Class [AX 2012]

The SalesATPCalculation class is responsible for performing available to promise (ATP) calculations.


class SalesATPCalculation

Run On



  Method Description
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif atpLeadTime Calculates the ATP lead time.
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif calcSalesTmpATP Sets the ATP on the temporary records of the SalesTmpATP table.
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif calculateOnHand Calculates on hand inventory quantity for all records in specified _salesTmpATP parameter table buffer.
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif calculateOrders Calculates the total quantity of all demand orders and the total quantity of all supply orders for every record in the _salesTmpATP table buffer.
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif calculatePlannedOrders Calculates the total quantity of all planned demand orders and the total quantity of all planned supply orders for every record in a SalesTmpATP table.
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif calculation Calculates and inserts the temporary data into the SalesTmpATP table.
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif cancelTimeOut Cancels a previous method call to the setTimeOut method. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif currentOnHand Retrieves the current on-hand level for the specified item on the specified dimensions.
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif equal Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current one. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif getTimeOutTimerHandle Returns the timer handle for the object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif handle Retrieves the handle of the class of the object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif new Initializes a new instance of the SalesATPCalculation class.
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif notify Releases the hold on an object that has called the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif notifyAll Releases a lock on the object that was issued by the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif objectOnServer Determines whether the object is on a server. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif owner Returns the instance that owns the object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif parmInventDimId Gets or sets the InventDimId parameter.
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif parmIssueMarginCalendarId Gets or sets the IssueMarginCalendarId parameter.
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif parmItemId Gets or sets the ItemId parameter.
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif parmMarginIssue Gets or sets the MarginIssue parameter.
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif parmSalesATPSettingsMap Gets or sets the SalesATPSettingsMap parameter.
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif processIssues Iterates through all the issue inventory transactions that can affect the ATP calculation.
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif processPlannedDemand Iterates through all the planned demand transactions that can affect the ATP calculation.
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif processPlannedSupply Iterates through all the planned supply transactions that can affect the ATP calculation.
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif processReceipts Iterates through all the receipt inventory transactions that can affect the ATP calculation.
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif setTimeOut Sets up the scheduled execution of a specified method. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif toString Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif updateSalesTmpATP Updates a salesTmpATP table buffer.
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif updateSalesTmpATPWithIssue Updates the SalesTmpATP table record by using data from the issue transaction.
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif updateSalesTmpATPWithPlannedDemand Updates the SalesTmpATP table record by using data from the planned demand transaction.
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif updateSalesTmpATPWithPlannedSupply Updates the SalesTmpATP table record by using data from the planned supply transaction.
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif updateSalesTmpATPWithReceipt Updates the SalesTmpATP table record by using data from the receipt transaction.
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif usageCount Returns the current number of references, that is, the value of the reference counter, that the object has. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif wait Pauses a process. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif xml Returns an XML string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg761845.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::construct
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg761845.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::findItemOrderSettings Finds the default item order settings.
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg761845.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::findSalesOrderSettings Finds the default item sales order settings.
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg761845.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::findTransferOrderSettings Finds the transfer order settings for the ATP calculation.
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg761845.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::newItemCalculation Creates an instance of the SalesATPCalculation class to calculate the ATP with the item-specific settings.
Gg761845.protmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg761845.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::newSalesATPCalculation Creates a new SalesATPCalculation class instance.
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg761845.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::newSalesCalculation Creates an instance of the SalesATPCalculation class to calculate the ATP by using the sales settings.
Gg761845.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif Gg761845.static(en-us,AX.60).gif ::newTransferCalculation Creates an instance of the SalesATPCalculation class to calculate the ATP with the transfer settings.


Inheritance Hierarchy

Object Class
  SalesATPCalculation Class
    SalesATPCalculationShelfLife Class