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BudgetAvailableBalance.prepareRelievingQueryRangeValues Method [AX 2012]

Sets the value for category query build range which is part of BudgetControlRelievingCategorySum query.


protected void prepareRelievingQueryRangeValues(
    boolean _includeConfirmed, 
    boolean _includeDraft, 
    boolean _includeIsSimulation, 
    boolean _includeCarryforwardAmounts)

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  • _includeConfirmed
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value that specifies whether to include budget tracking relieving transactions in a confirmed status in the calculation.
  • _includeDraft
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value that specifies whether to include budget tracking transactions in a draft status in the calculation.
  • _includeIsSimulation
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value that specifies whether to include simulation budget tracking transactions in the calculation.
  • _includeCarryforwardAmounts
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value that specifies whether to include carry forward budget tracking transactions in the calculation.

See Also


BudgetAvailableBalance Class