ReleaseUpdateDB60_HRM.updateHcmPositionDetail Method [AX 2012]
Inserts data into the HcmPositionDetail table from the HRPPartyPositionTableRelationship table.
public void updateHcmPositionDetail()
Run On
The Position field which holds the record ID from the HcmPosition table replaces the PositionId field.
The Job field which holds the record ID from the HcmJob table replaces the JobId field.
The CompensationCountryRegion field which holds values of the CountryRegionId field from the LogisticsAddressCountryRegion table replaces the HrmCompLocationId field.
The Department field which holds the record ID from the OMOperatingUnit table replaces the OrganizationUnitId field.
The Title field which holds the record ID from the HcmTitle table replaces the Title field.