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SalesQuantity.calcQtyInvent Method [AX 2012]



The syntax of this method varies based on the version of Microsoft Dynamics AX that you are using.

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3
          protected abstract container calcQtyInvent(
            Common _common, 
           [SalesUpdate _specQty, 
            InventQty _qty, 
            boolean _creditRemaining, 
            boolean _calcRemaining, 
            PackingSlipIdForUpdate_W _packingSlips])

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS)
          protected abstract container calcQtyInvent(
            Common _common, 
           [SalesUpdate _specQty, 
            InventQty _qty, 
            boolean _creditRemaining, 
            boolean _calcRemaining, 
            PackingSlipIdForUpdate_W _packingSlips])

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack (SYS)
          protected abstract container calcQtyInvent(
            Common _common, 
           [SalesUpdate _specQty, 
            InventQty _qty, 
            boolean _creditRemaining, 
            boolean _calcRemaining])

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (FPK)
          protected abstract container calcQtyInvent(
            Common _common, 
           [SalesUpdate _specQty, 
            InventQty _qty, 
            boolean _creditRemaining, 
            boolean _calcRemaining])

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (SYS)
          protected abstract container calcQtyInvent(
            Common _common, 
           [SalesUpdate _specQty, 
            InventQty _qty, 
            boolean _creditRemaining, 
            boolean _calcRemaining])

Run On



See Also


SalesQuantity Class